I can't find reasonably priced gas checked cast bullets over .379".
OK, the next question is: what is "reasonably priced"?
Answer: I'm cheap! $16.00 per 100
Can you guys find gas checked bullets for roughly that price at .380" or greater? I asked one of the casters I buy from and he said his bullets won't drop from the mould that large. I've been tinkering with non-gas checked bullets lately.
I hope I'm not taking over the thread here....I just think that maybe the answers that come may help Jason F. as well as me.
By the way Jason, for my Target Classic, I use 264 gr FPGC bullets from Western Bullet Co. (don't recall the Lyman number off hand) They've worked fairly well for me. John at Western sizes them to .379 and I use them despite the fact that my barrel slugs around the same diameter. The only downfall is that I can't fire heavy duty loads from my rifle or my groups spread fast and with some powders, I get keyholes. On the contrary, I have a Thompson Contender 38-55 that slugs at .375 and I can crank up the juice a little with those and keep the accuracy.
Q: what's heavy duty?
A: My guess is over 1650 to 1700 fps. I don't have a chronograph.
Have fun with that 38-55 Jason. It's one of my favorite rounds to load and shoot.