Author Topic: Wierd things you have seen  (Read 1533 times)

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Offline Lon371

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Wierd things you have seen
« on: November 17, 2011, 09:36:56 AM »
 While you were hunting this or past years, What kind of stuff have you seen.
 Daughter and I hunted yesterday evening. We were about 80 yards apart in tree stands. Heard a couple shots here and there acrossed the country side. Listening to the creek run, after the rains lately it was running hard.  Any ways I heard a noise like a stick breaking. Got up on my knees, watching behind me where I heard the noise from. All the sudden a tree falls over? What the heck? Made the loudest noise, well it was pretty quiet in the woods. Guess it just rotted and fell over. We only had a slight breeze, so that was not the cause.  But anyhoo that was our odd occurance so far.
 Lets here em what you got?

Offline billd

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 03:24:01 PM »
last year while in my stand i hear what sounds like a blowtorch being ignited. seems to be getting louder and louder.  im thinking  maybe  im spending a little to long in the stand . its getting louder and louder but i cant see anything.  finally its right on top of me . hot air ballon  :) 

Offline Lon371

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 08:41:53 PM »
last year while in my stand i hear what sounds like a blowtorch being ignited. seems to be getting louder and louder.  im thinking  maybe  im spending a little to long in the stand . its getting louder and louder but i cant see anything.  finally its right on top of me . hot air ballon  :)

LOL yeah that would be a hard one to figure out ;)

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2011, 12:08:25 AM »
Not in the woods but more along the lines of the balloon.  Had a crazy pup about a year and a half old that was fascinated with birds.  One summer afternoon as I completed mowing the yard and shut down the mower the Goodyear blimp flew directly over our place.  That dog saw that thing and immediately went into a tizzy.  I finally had to get in the truck and go almost 2 miles to cut him off and catch him.  He wasn't going to quit until he caught that big bird.

Was hunting in Crawford county.  A large dead fall was laying against another tree that together formed a perfect lounge chair with great cover.  I was comfortably lounging and watching a light snow fall when I saw movement just below me on the side of the dead fall.  As I sat there a large all white weasel emerged from a hole in the log and came to the top to stand on his hind legs not more than 5 feet from me.  He finally turned to look at me, realized what had happened and took off like Don Garlits on a record pass. 


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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2011, 12:57:53 AM »
I saw a turkey land on a bad branch and fall to the ground . I have also had dead trees fall around me . But one that stands out was the first time I hunted near Fort Pickett when they decided to do machine gun pratice  ;D  . They were about 2 miles away but it was still loud . The the tanks fired up. Got so ya couldn't hear the dogs run.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 02:04:37 AM »
Used to coon hunt with my now deceased FIL.  Needless to say things get real strange in the woods at night.  We took a real city boy with us one night who wanted to see what it was like.  No moon that night and was probably too windy to be out but that never got in the way of my FIL any.  Turned all the lights out since we thought the dogs were running a track straight toward us.  After a minute or so a large tree fell about 100 yards from us.  Definitely startled us a bit.  By the time we fumbled around and got our walking lights back on the city boy Tommy was no place to be found.  We shined all the immediately around us and he just wasn't there.  FIL finally hollered "Tommy!" about that same time we saw a small light bouncing up a hill through the woods over 100 yards away.  Tommy's response was "I'll meet you guys at the *%&#$%^ truck!"  He never went again.

Offline Lon371

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2011, 06:58:59 AM »
 Good stories.
 Old Syko thats the kind of stuff you just cant make up  ;D  Some how I new he would be running thru the woods, when you said we turned the lights out. ;)
ps my morning hunt today. I see a Spike(very young) an 8 point(could have thrown a rock at) 3 tiny doe,button bucks and 3 decent does to far away or in the stuff you dont shoot thru. 3 turkey and 6 squirrels. Pretty good morning.

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2011, 09:12:01 AM »
Good stories.
 Old Syko thats the kind of stuff you just cant make up  ;D  Some how I new he would be running thru the woods, when you said we turned the lights out. ;)
ps my morning hunt today. I see a Spike(very young) an 8 point(could have thrown a rock at) 3 tiny doe,button bucks and 3 decent does to far away or in the stuff you dont shoot thru. 3 turkey and 6 squirrels. Pretty good morning.

The part that amazed us was that he made it over 100 yards in almost total darkness at an unreal speed without running into anything. 

Funny thing I saw again this morning just as I have 2 other mornings this week.  Neighbor a little over a quarter mile away crosses the cornfield from his house to the woods and just as he goes in 7 deer exit the woods around the corner from where enters only a bit over 200 yards away.  Since this is the third time I've witnessed this, I'm going to set up my video camera tonight with the telescopic attachment (which is a pain in the butt) and try to record him.  Might be worth it.  I'm not going to teach this guy how to hunt.  I thought everyone knew it didn't matter if you were hunting critters or folks you never develop a set pattern.

BTW I've seen so many strange things in the woods I could write a book. 

One of the most memorable was the couple of nekkid folks on a blanket in the middle of a 13,000 acre woods.   ;) ::) ;D   FIL fired 3 shotgun rounds strait up and we watched as they only picked up minimal items and took off leaving everything else behind.  Nearest road was over 2 miles away in the direction they ran.  Talk about privacy!

Offline Lon371

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2011, 11:50:18 AM »
One of the most memorable was the couple of nekkid folks on a blanket in the middle of a 13,000 acre woods.   ;) ::) ;D   FIL fired 3 shotgun rounds strait up and we watched as they only picked up minimal items and took off leaving everything else behind.  Nearest road was over 2 miles away in the direction they ran.  Talk about privacy!

That is helarious.

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2011, 12:43:25 PM »

That is helarious.

I'll bet shorty and unfortunate still don't think so.   ;D

Was out in the middle of nowhere deer hunting down at Sulfur and had been sitting in the same place most of the morning when I detect movement.  Along comes a gentleman all dressed in blaze camo.  About 60 yards away nature called in a bad way for the guy.  I thought for a while I might be blind from what I had just witnessed.   :o   Quickly he moved on and almost immediately the drift let me know I would never be able to forget.   ???   He had to have passed on to the hereafter very soon after because he was in baaaad shape.   

Offline Bullseye

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2011, 02:54:52 PM »
Standing in the woods squirrel hunting one day I heard something coming towards me.  Thought it was a squirrel.  Turned out to be a skunk.  He was not coming that close to me so I thought I would let him pass.  He turned and started heading my way and was to close for movement from me at that point, besides I had a 22 and was worried about making an immediate kill.  He walked up, put his nose on my boot and smelled it.  Took two steps back real quick which made me figure it was going to get smelly.  He turned and went on his way.  Could have been a very smelly situation.

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2011, 12:20:27 PM »
I got a couple of things

Talking about noises in the woods ...I was mowing the back 40 when I heard something and it was getting louder very quickly. I looked up just in time to see 3 A-10s (Warthog war planes) that was flying at tree top level go right over me, just about crapped the pants right there. It was very loud, even over the mower, I see how that can be intimidating for someone on the wrong side of the war.

I had a guy tell me he saw a woodchuck crawling up a tree trunk. I told him, he must have been sniffing too much glue...woodchucks do not climb trees. A few years later I was hunting woodchucks in the late summer, guess what? About 15 feet up, out on a branch was a woodchuck. I raised my 222 and popped him out of the tree just like a squirrel. I guess that guy wasn't sniffing glue, at least I wasn't.

Good Luck and Good Shooting
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Offline Lon371

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2011, 12:46:15 PM »
 Might not crap them, but would probably be wet  ;D
 Woodchuck in a tree. Have a few in the area we hunt, will have to watch for em.

Offline hillbill

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2011, 01:58:55 PM »
I got a couple of things

Talking about noises in the woods ...I was mowing the back 40 when I heard something and it was getting louder very quickly. I looked up just in time to see 3 A-10s (Warthog war planes) that was flying at tree top level go right over me, just about crapped the pants right there. It was very loud, even over the mower, I see how that can be intimidating for someone on the wrong side of the war.

I had a guy tell me he saw a woodchuck crawling up a tree trunk. I told him, he must have been sniffing too much glue...woodchucks do not climb trees. A few years later I was hunting woodchucks in the late summer, guess what? About 15 feet up, out on a branch was a woodchuck. I raised my 222 and popped him out of the tree just like a squirrel. I guess that guy wasn't sniffing glue, at least I wasn't.

Good Luck and Good Shooting
had a dog when i was a kid that treed literally hundreds of on a telephone pole if i remember right.if he caught them on the ground he killed them instantly, they really had no choice.

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Wierd things you have seen
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2011, 02:16:27 PM »
Been told by a lot of guys a chuck won't climb.   :o   I have no idea how many I've seen setting on a limb.  I assume they climbed there since I ain't never seen one with wings.    ;D