Saw a complete video of this incident a few years back in Korea. Notice the vehicles and the use of the super 8 camera gives an indication the incident took place some years ago. The entire program I was watching was a 2 hour program basicly about the stupid things "Euro-trash" does in Africa and Asia. I was on a bus from Taegu (sp?) to Seoul (sp?), and they had "in flight" movies with subtitles, it was before the Olymics were there so probably sometime in the mid '80s.
The video here is pretty choppy and is from several of the camera's present. The show I saw was a smooth complete picture of the entire incident and shows a lot more detail; like the guy raising up and the lioness pawing him back down as she chomps a chunk out of his leg. While the lioness chases one lion away it does not take her and her two cubs long to finish the "meal", also graphically shown. It also showed the park rangers policing the little left of him and putting the remains in garbage bags. The video I saw was quite uncensured and lasted about 30 minutes. I too thought of the victims stupidity but also the numerous other idiots in the three vehicles. Other than the guys wife getting out and shouting nobody made a move to do anything except take pictures and film. No one attempted to use the vehicles to assist or drive the lions off. There was sufficient time before the lioness started eating him for an attempt at that but none was made. It was obvious the lioness was not a "maneater" as it was easy to see (in this video too) she lacked experience at taking down and killing a human. At first really didn't know what to do with the guy, didn't take her long to figure it out though. And as mentioned many times lions begin to eat before the prey is killed.
Also no one made any attempt to go for help until after the guy was eaten, the park rangers were not that far away though they probably could not have saved the guy. At the end of the show it showed the irony as the idiots had just driven by signs warning and showing not to get out of the vehicles to take pictures.
Larry Gibson