GGaskill, I saved that link, thats the carriage I have in mind. Some of the measurement I was able to find were for a 36" barrel; 36" wheels (are wheels typically the same height as the length of barrel?) 64" trail (almost twice the length of the wheel height?) did not find anything on width of carriages, but appears to be about 50". Think I will just make a guess-amate of all the measurements, not really looking for an exact replica anyway. The dished wheels will be the more difficult part, and the part of the build i'm looking forward to the most. Always open to all ideas.
I will try to figure out how to post a link.
DD, Thanks, but unfortunately those links don't seem to be able to help me. Without a picture, I really have no idea what I would be purchasing. Still green here, trying to take in a lot of info.