An interesting and valid question, A good one.
I have been looking for some used 1 1/2s coils this year. I have lots of #2 L. S.s
Most of them I got from an old gentleman who passed away 14 years ago. Old Floyd Macbeth... Dallas Tx. Made lure, I only met him once but he was like a friend you have known since the fourth grade. He was buried with three #1 L. S.s in his hand. I remember him telling his wife " wrap my fingers around the rings like this here! " Real good! " And they better not have any flowers covering them either!" She said O. K. floyd O. K. smiling... Long way to go to heaven and drop your traps on the way because they were not tight in your hands. He told me and also another friend who passed away about the same time, Ted {bobcat} Conally, said the same thing! #2 L. S. s are the perfect trap! Anything, from a possum to a coyote, gets in a #2, and it is caught! period. It doesn't tear up their paw so bad, It is cheap, light, and it will hold anything!
A little more trouble to bed, but thats what I thought, now I am coming around to their way of thinking.