Author Topic: Bisley grip problems?  (Read 1446 times)

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Bisley grip problems?
« on: January 21, 2004, 02:04:04 PM »
hi guys,
just wondering if any of you have trouble with the trigger guard hitting your middle finger with the bisley. i know of a few individuals who have nuckles that swell up when firing one. if so, have you tried anything to fix the situation?    Thanks, Jeff

Offline DennisE

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2004, 04:17:31 AM »
When shooting heavy loads in my Bisley I wear a PAST shooting glove!  Dennis

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2004, 11:52:51 AM »
learn to shoot holding the grip frame a little lower.
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Offline Dan Chamberlain

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Bisley Grip
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2004, 04:13:32 AM »

Are YOU having a problem?  If other people are, but you haven't experienced it yet, there is no problem.  When I shoot heavy loads I used a good deerskin glove.  I notice no problem, but then I have dainty little fingers!  

Dan C

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2004, 08:39:54 AM »
     i have that problem with the bisley in 500 linebaugh, but not in 45 colt.                                                                                                           i know a guy with big hands that doesn't like to shoot even a 45 with the bisley grip frame. he gets a lump on his finger and kinda worries about long term effects of it. he uses a standard xr3-red frame and pachmyer grips. he likes that set up.
     i have both a bisley and a blackhawk w/ rubber grip. both are 45's.       i must confess that i like the rubber grip better in cold weather. but i have never tried rubber grips with something that really kicks hard. they would probably be too sticky.
     one nice thing about the bisley is the generous room for a gloved trigger finger. other frames dont have the room. but with full loads in 500, i still get rapped even with gloves on. will have to do like loyd says and grip lower.     thanks guys, jeff

Offline frank405

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bisley torture devices
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2004, 04:53:32 AM »
I am the guy that likes an xr3 red. frame and Pachmayers. One solution may be a Super Blackhawk Hunter grip frame. Seems to be a generous amount of room for my knuckle behind the trigger guard. Or start welding and cutting to make them fit.

Offline FAsmus

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Re: Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2004, 02:41:07 PM »

512: I was just wondering if any of you have trouble with the trigger guard hitting your middle finger with the bisley..

F: Nope, but the Bisley hammer spur is sure in the wrong place for me! In recoil the pistol rotates enough that the hammer spur digs into my thumb knukle nearly every shot..  Used to dig that is, I took it off, replaced it with the original Blackhawk grip frame and sold the Bisley stlye outfit.

Good evening,

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2004, 11:53:17 PM »
Forrest that happens to me with the .475 and .500 once in a while mostly off the bench when im trying to consentrate on trigger control to shoot groups. What happens is i relax my grip a little to much with the heavy recoiling guns you have to maintain a firm grip.
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Offline FAsmus

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2004, 08:27:52 AM »

L: That happens to me with the .475 and .500 once in a while mostly off..

F: Sure, holding hard will help but the western style grip frame/hammer spur seems to be designed with recoil in mind: Rolling through rather than coming pretty much straight back.

I have had trouble shooting really high-test loads in the New Blackhawk, probably on the order of your big-bore stuff. These combinations were heavy enough to get the trigger guard kicking back and hammering my second finger in a serious way.

Fortunately those loads are not commonly used except for hunting or breaking old cast-iron engine blocks.

Good afternoon,

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no problem but I have small hands
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2004, 08:10:59 PM »
I have no problem with my 41 Bilsey but I have small hands. With my heaviest loads my palm and web get to feeling hammered with the 255 and 265 cast loads.  I used to have the tip of my trigger finger get chewed by the end of the trigger when shooting heavy  loads but I had Wild West Guns reshape it -straighten it a little and extend a little - and no problems there now.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2004, 11:19:46 PM »
to be honest with you I have a permenently swelled middle nuckle on my right hand probably arthiritis by now but it never goes away. It was mostly from the early days of shooting my super blackhawk. that grip frame and me dont get along. It still will wrap me if i dont pay attention to where i grip the gun. As far as the bisleys go its more comfortable to shoot big .500 loads with a bisley then big .44 loads in the super. The blackhawk seems to roll more then the super and doest beat the finger as much. But it still isnt near as good as a bisley. The bisley hammer isnt a problem if you grip the gun properly (make sure you grip a little lower and firm but dont death grip it.) What i thought would make a great combo is the bisley frame with the superblackhawk hammer. That hammer is a little bit higher then a bisley. Bottom line is the .500 and the .475 and the .454 have some recoil and ill even include the heavy .45 colts in that. There guns you have to respect. they are not painfull as i can shoot 2-300 rounds in a sitting with them but if you get to casual they will bite you. I dont have the nuckle problem any more because i know where to grip them and i shoot bisleys more then anything so my grip is automatic now. Best advise is to shoot it alot and get use to what you have to do to control them.
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Offline Cannon

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2004, 03:41:52 PM »

Kelly B's method works for me -- I wedge my left middle finger in between the trigger guard and my right middle finger.  Alternate method is to wear a glove on the right hand and use the left middle finger to roll a wedge of leather up between the right knuckle and trigger guard.  Doesn't work if your hands are as big as Frank's.

Reeder's "gunfighter" treatment removes metal from the front strap to increase the distance from the back of the trigger guard.  I think Frank even handled one with enough room for his big paws.

By the way, did you ever get anywhere with Lee and the carbide 500 dies?


Offline Lloyd Smale

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2004, 11:52:15 PM »
went the other route and bought a set of hornady .500s from Kelly
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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2004, 05:19:36 AM »
Yes, i did do the project with lee. i had them make a carbide sizer die first. dont have the rest as i thought the sizer would be the first hitch. i had them make it .529".  i just love it. i can sit down and load a few cases so much faster. no lube mess, no wiping. very smooth. NO SCRATCHES!
I need to decide wether the diameter is right. good so far for cast from .511 to .5125.  but i havent loaded enough with a smaller bullet like the one from belt mountain ( 455gr. brass solid ). it may need more grip to hold on to it as its only .510" at most.
the die is only used as a neck sizer as the round has too much taper. thats fine as the 500 never needs sizing in the base area very often.
get this... Lee guys told me that i could have them make complete sets w/factory collet crimp and if i ordered a minimum of 25 they would be regular retail price! i think thats around $30. i havent taken the plunge yet. i dont know if i could get rid of 25. thanks to all for the feed back.

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2004, 06:09:18 AM »

.529" would be a huge improvement for me -- my sized cases run more like .535"

Who do i need to contact at Lee to get one made up?  If you decide to go ahead with the die sets, I'm in for two.


Offline 512

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2004, 09:17:54 AM »
my die will leave the cases @ .531'' to .532" due to "spring" back. the case neck walls are .014"-.015".  i have no problem holding the bullets in the gun now. if you want to talk about the project, give me a call. yu can get my number from that big strange dude in cody. my sizer cost more than a set would @ $30 as it was special order.

i would like to have them make some up but dont know if i can sell many. i am tired of C&H and their silly dimensions for the sizer especially. seems as though no one knows how to set up revolver cartridges. i talked to john at lee if  i remeber correctly. keep in mind that they dont even know what a 500 linebaugh is. i just told them how to make it. gotta go. i think i hear a coyote.                     Jeff

P.S. my personal email is not working or i would give u that.

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2004, 07:02:50 PM »
I hold low and tuck my little finger of right hand under bottom of grip. It's only strange a couple times and it keeps the flip down a bit and makes sure you are automaticly low enough out of the way. If your hands are too big, I dont' think anythink will help......

Does anyone make a finger grooved grip for the Bisley that I could put on my 5.5" SS .41mag?? I'd really like to try that........I just don't get along with that bisley grip, either. (the little finger thing does help, tho)
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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2004, 04:15:53 AM »
Thanks, Jeff.  I need to talk to the big strange dude anyway, I'll get your number from him when I do.  Cannon

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« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2004, 11:55:13 AM »
i think we will have a testing job for you. the big strange guy is headed this way tues. (tomorrow) for 2 buffs and after that he may want to talk to u. if you want to send me a couple cases, i will size them so u can see how this thing would work for u.  thanx, jeff

Offline Cannon

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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2004, 02:08:30 PM »
Sounds good, Jeff, you guys have fun tomorrow.  I'll try to get ahold of him Thursday or Friday, and I'll get in touch with you after that.  


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Bisley grip problems?
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2004, 02:28:09 PM »
I had a Ruger Bisley, and it constantly hit my finger leaving it sore. I sold it, and later bought a Dakota Bisley and the grip shapes are a bit different. The Dakota never hits my finger when shooting any loads.
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