Author Topic: Can Paul Beat Obama?  (Read 1956 times)

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Offline dukkillr

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2012, 08:27:59 AM »
Ok, dukkiller, you and singleshotsam win.  White voters "supported" obama by mostly voting for McCain.    ::)

And made up his largest voting block by ethnicity.  Why is this contentious?   It seems like common sense to me.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2012, 08:41:56 AM »
White liberal elitists voted for Obama.  College professors, social justice people, gays, etc.  They were mostly white.  90% of Blacks voted for him and about 60-65% of Hispanics.  The liberal college professors got to the white college kids, who also voted for him.  However, now the white college graduates recently who can't find jobs aren't going to vote for him again.  Probably not a lot of Hispanics either, since they want jobs also. 

Offline Casull

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2012, 08:47:09 AM »
And made up his largest voting block by ethnicity.  Why is this contentious?

It's not contentious, but certainly disingenuous to claim their support.  White voters are going to make up the largest voting block for any winner . . . or loser for that matter.
Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2012, 09:08:37 AM »
Quote from Dixie Dude:
"White liberal elitists voted for Obama.  College professors, social justice people, gays, etc.  They were mostly white.  90% of Blacks voted for him and about 60-65% of Hispanics.  The liberal college professors got to the white college kids, who also voted for him.  However, now the white college graduates recently who can't find jobs aren't going to vote for him again.  Probably not a lot of Hispanics either, since they want jobs also."

I disagree that many of the recent white college graduates will not vote for Obama again. Just look at the OWS movement. Most, right or wrong still blame republicans and Bush for the current economy so I think most will still vote for Obama. Same for the Hispanics due to the hard push of anti immigration legislation which is affecting legals as much as illegals that is pushed by the republicans.

Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #64 on: January 06, 2012, 09:54:50 AM »
Your correct duk, and sorry for taking this topic so far OT.  Let me see if I can take some points of this discussion to tie it back to the OP.

I think given the right conditions, Paul could easily vote for Obama.  More and more voters are becoming Independants.  Which is really how a voter should be.  Democrats are becoming Socialists and Republicans are the new Liberals.  Here is my opinion of how Paul could win a GOP nomination...

It's no secret that youth movements can attract mass media attention.  It's worked for Obama.  It's worked for OWS.  We can all agree on that.  I know many young people, who were caught up in the charisma of Obama's campaign.  They actually believed he could bring a change for the better in this country.  Why do you think they were so hopeful for a change?  They were hopeful for a change because most people under the age of 30 have grown up observing what a hoax the current two party system is.  Einstein defined insanity perfectly.  Which is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. 

Young people feel that they have inhereted a hopeless country.  A hopeless situation.  To be frank, the idea of cleaning up a 15 TRILLION dollar mess is scary.   We feel older Americans are content in sitting around pointing fingers as they have for the past couple decades.  So along comes a candidate that makes some of my friends think there is a NEW solution to a dusty problem and BAM.  Youth flock to him.  The media flocks to the youth movement and low and behold, there is a huge movement by blacks, whites, hispanics and people of all colors saying this guy is the only guy in decades that can actually make a difference.

It was all clever marketing of course, but there weren't really any other options.  McCain?  Please!  That guy's policy on border protection and amnesty alone was enough to make me sick voting for him.  But I went along with what the older people told me because "Hey, these guys know more than I do."  I voted for McCain.  And he folded.
To tie up this point.  If Ron Paul's campaign can keep young people stirred up and market to them an outlet to change the hum drum operation of our failiing country then he too can see some of the same circumstances that helped Obama.

15 Trillion dollars of national debt, much of which is Chineese owned, requires a candiate and voter base that has enough sense to realize that in order to fix this mess, we have to get our hands out of foriegn affairs and start getting tight with our money. 
Paul is the only candidate that realizes the real issues facing our country.  He's offering an alternative to the quasi-socialist Mainstream Republicans and voters who are truely looking out for the best intrests of this country realize that.
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Can Paul Beat Obama?
« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2012, 11:01:47 AM »
Guzzi, I disagree.  I have 3 in college right now, and they say all their friends and recent graduates will not vote for him.  Most want Ron Paul now.  Blacks I work with are discusted with Obama.  Hispanics want jobs, and there are none, so a lot of the illegals have gone home or to states that are creating jobs like Texas.  OWS are liberal elitist kids.  I have a neice who lives in NY, graduated with a law degree from Cal Berkley.  She passed her NY BAR the first time (took Hillary twice).  She has been with the OWS crowd.  She owes about $200,000 in student loans.  She hasn't got a job yet.  Her parents are in prison for stealing documents at the Pentagon.  Her mother worked there as a lawyer.  All liberals.  My wife is conservative.  Her brother is a professor and is a moderate.  I know where a lot of these people come from.  Have bleeding hearts, but money and the government can't solve the problems.  Sometimes the poor have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.  Keeping families, morals, and hard work pays off, but liberals can't see that.  Having kids out of wedlock from generation to generation, expecting a hand out, or someone to take care of you, has created a lazy, you owe it to me, mentality.  Can't keep taking from the producers and giving to non-producers, country will fall apart eventually.  Ronald Reagan said government wasn't the solution, government was the problem.  Government created the rules and regulations for banks and corporations to operate under.  The tighten up where they souldn't, and relax were they shouldn't.