Ramrod, I hope you don't carry the attitude conveyed in your recent post, into the field with you, when you hunt. If so, then I would consider you to be one of the "average Bozo's" you distain. Qtip is correct when he said that regardless of whether one uses a rifle or shotgun, a safe hunter is a safe hunter. All of the basic skills, we take into the field, when we hunt, are put into play when we are in search of game regardless of the use of a bow, shotgun, muzzleloader, pistol, or rifle. I would like to think you do the same.
The use of a rifle, regardless of the Governor sigining this bill, or not, in these counties, is already permitted. What this bill does do is allow the use of rifles during the deer season. If you stop and think for a minute, how many of us sportsmen use pistols, in rifle calibers, already. How many shooting accidents have occurred? This whole subject has gotten blown way out of proportion.
Would you stop for a moment and take a look at us. Hell, we don't need any ANTIs. If the comments on this thread are any indication, we'll do just fine kicking ourselves in the a$$, and dividing our fraternity. Let's stop it. What do you say?