Read "Atlas Shrugged" It is a scary prediction of what is happening to our society. You can watch it every night on the news how it seems like the Dems have read the book too and are trying to make it a reality. Demonize the producers and make dependence a virtue.
For some reason the Democrats have the world upside down. They claim to be for the common man, the blue collar worker, and yet they want to close factories, mining, Refining, and shipping, Thinking that is far better ot have these jobs over seas. The fake enviromentalists do not want the air or water pollution. They say act locally think globaly. If they really thought globally they would want manufacturing, mining, and refining here in the US where it will be done cleanly and efficinetly. That is is better to ship a Blue collar union job over seas due to the heavey EPA regulations designed to eliminate jobs. We need only look at the Toxic waste the Old Soviet Union left and the one that China is producing. Some how rather than seeing our standard of living as something for others to strive for, our economy as something to duplicate, these morons want to reduce our standard of living to that of the developing world. Some how if we all lived like Obama's brother in Kenya on $20 a Month we will be a better nation. For now they want people on the public dole, that having lazy people they give money to and vote for more. At the point when they take over, ending your rights, Those same benevolent leaders will turn on the lazy that supported them and send them off to do jobs they want done. You will be a slave to the government like in China, Viet Nam, and Cuba where you will do as they say, that new products are not needed. Invention is curtailed. Medicine is curtailed. When have you heard of a cure or medicine ever comming out of a socilist system? We have the best health care in the world, heads of state, come here for care that they can not get in their own country, and yet they want us to be like them? Rather than the other way around.