Author Topic: Ron Paul says calling somebody an 'anti-semitic' is a VICIOUS ATTACK..  (Read 1601 times)

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Ron Pauls says calling somebody 'anti-semitc' is a VICIOUS ATTACK to avoid truth out and critcal analysis when opponets run out of facts or want something avoided, and one should apologize for employing such tactics........starting at 0.34sec
and here's why.......TM7
.Friday, March 2, 2012    Holding Israel Accountable Is Not Anti-Semitic    If you are a "Type A" person who skims through articles just to get the main points, then here are the 3 main points of this article. You can read them and move on:

1. Attacking anybody because of their religious beliefs is wrong. That includes Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, etc.   Freedom of religion is intertwined with freedom of consciousness, freedom of thought, freedom of assembly, and freedom of expression.   However, countries that commit war crimes, or crimes against humanity, must not be allowed to get away with it by cowering behind a religious shroud, and dismissing legitimate critics as 'antisemitic' or racist.

2. Every government and every army in the world is fair game for political discourse including harsh criticism and verbal expressions of disgust. Israel is no exception. Hate means "to dislike intensely or passionately."  Sure, we all hate seeing Palestinian school kids getting scorched and killed by white phosphorus. But expressing that is no hate crime.

3. Legitimate criticism of Israeli atrocities is frequently dismissed as anti-semitic. This overused "crying wolf" strategy is tragically wrong because it  causes genuine anti-semitism to be taken with a grain of salt. Blurring the line between Jew-hating skinheads and non-violent concerned citizens is a reckless public relations strategy, but Israel can be counted on to use the ad-hominum "anti-semitic" label to deflect legitimate critics who point to verifiable atrocities.

Did you like Operation Cast Lead ?

Over a thousand Palestinian women and children were casualties in Israel's ethnic cleansing incident called Operation Cast Lead. When I saw Israel unleashing white phosphorus bombs on Palestinian schools and population centers I had to ask myself: "Do I support this, or am I against this? Where will I stand?" Everybody with a conscience needs to take a hard look at  Israeli occupation and aggression and ask themselves the same questions.

I know right from wrong, and what I saw during Operation Cast Lead was wrong. Using white phosphorus bombs on population centers and schools? Wrong. Dropping "get out of town" leaflets on 1.5 million people locked in behind the Apartheid Wall with no exit? Wrong and cruel. Blowing up  buildings packed with women and children because there might be a "terrorist" inside. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The whole thing was wrong before it even started. Israel is a sophisticated military power with nukes, and Gaza is 1.5 million people packed into a sardine can with no military to defend it.  Nothing but the crudest hand-made weapons and obsolete technology. No helicopters, no jets, no air-strike capability, no artillery to repel the invaders, no UN Peacekeepers, nothing.

The situation before Cast Lead was so desperate that food and medicine had to be smuggled in through underground tunnels. Clean drinking water was a luxury.  After cast Lead the siege of Gaza has gotten much worse. The situation went from bleak and inhumane to impossible. On top of everything else Israel has restricted concrete for rebuilding, and emergency medicine convoys. The only good news: The Goldstone Report came in,  the BDS campaign is gaining steam, and people around the world are waking up and starting to speak out.

When you can't attack the message, attack the messenger

Calling someone antisemitic is a "vicious attack" according to Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. The respected former flight surgeon appeared on Larry King Live to debate Yemen and airport security. He never said one word about Jewish people, but he was slammed as being 'antisemitic' by talking-head Ben Stein.

Dingleberries like Ben Stein make themselves look like idiots when they call someone anti-semitic.  Does he lack the brainpower needed to form a more intelligent answer?  Ron Paul had simply raised the point that we need to look at "the motives" of people, like the fact that we are invading and occupying Muslim countries . Dr. Paul had not said one word about Israel, Jews, Judaism, Zionism, Rabbis, Bar Mitzvas, Apartheid Wall, or any topic that remotely would justify Stein's knee-jerk use of the word anti-semitic.

This kind of absurd and reflexive overuse of the word anti-semitic has become far too common, and it is reaching a level that now causes many people to take  all claims of anti-semitism with a grain of salt. You can only "cry wolf" so many times before people ignore you. My advice to people like Ben Stein is this: If you have nothing constructive to say and you are down to playing the 'anti-semitic' card, just shut your pie-hole and let someone else talk.  At least you won't look like an moron, and you won't cause people to yawn and roll their eyes when genuine and legitimate antisemitism is revealed.

Let's hold Israel accountable for their atrocities against Palestinians

My advice to writers and bloggers everywhere is this: Power up your moral compass and start asking the tough questions about Israeli aggression and war-crimes. It's not taboo, and it's morally right. Like all governments, the Israeli government has moral and humanitarian obligations. When Israel acts immorally or commits war-crimes, it should expect heavy handed condemnation from the rest of the world, just like America got when it's renditions, and it's worldwide torture camp network were revealed. If you hate what you see, go ahead and say it. It's OK to hate atrocities.

If you are a writer, don't muzzle yourself  just because someone might call you antisemitic. They will. Just correctly label it as a "viscous attack" like Dr. Ron Paul did. Speaking up for the oppressed is morally right, and exposing the truth is a beautiful thing.

If you need to get up to speed on the issues start by reading a summary of the U.N.'s Goldstone Report.  After you get familiar with the Goldstone Report, read about the Gaza Siege. Study how Israel rounded up and imprisoned Gaza's democratically elected government and thousands of other Palestinians including young children. Ask why Israel refuses U.N. nuclear inspections. Investigate Israel's history of killing unarmed kids and pregnant women. Ask why Israel refuses to define it's borders, and keeps building 'settlements' on top of demolished Palestinian houses.

Proper expressions of hate

With all the talk of hate-crimes these days people are asking themselves "What can I say? Am I supposed to pretend I don't hate anything?"   Hate is a perfectly normal human emotion. Oppressive actions taken by governments and their armies can easily trigger feelings of anger and hatred in normal people.

I hate lots of things about my own Canadian government: Afghan War-crimes, helping NATO destroy Libya, spending healthcare money to build battleships. I boiled-over with hatred of my government when Canada shipped Marc Emery into America's prison-industrial complex just because he mailed some pot seeds. 

I hate America's wars, America's subservience to Israel, America bailing out Wall Street criminals while Main Street families became jobless and homeless. I feel sorry for my many American friends.

Up here in Canada, no matter how screwed up things get, we can usually point south and say "at least it's not as bad as the USA."  That applies to the economy, worker's rights, drug testing policies, health care , and a very long list of issues.

If you hate what Israel is doing to the Palestinians, go ahead and say so. Don't be intimidated by blowhards like Ben Stein.

Offline Mike in Virginia

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TM7, respectfully, I have to say that I am too stupid to interpret most of your posts.  The only parts I can understand are the cut and paste parts.  You are either way above me in intelligene, or you need to slow down and make your sentences shorter and more meaningful.  I'm certain it means something to you, but your lines seem to run on and double back and leave ther reader confused as to your point.  I think you have things to say, perhaps important things, so I kindly suggest you re-read what you post and see if you think it makes sense to most people. 

Offline BUGEYE

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TM7, I'm surprised you posted this since you hate every every religion except islam. ;D
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Offline Casull

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Is it a vicious attack to call someone anti-semitic if they are in fact anti-semitic?   :o
Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline ironglow

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  Admittedly there is a slight accomodation, where the term 'anti-semitic" actually means "anti-Jew".  So allowing for this meaning to the term, I offer this short quiz;
  Is Amadinijhad anti-semitic ?
  Was Yassir Arafat anti-semitic ?
  Were the nations who ganged up on Israel in 1967 and 1973 antisemitic ?
  Are portions of the KKK anti-semitic ?
  Was Hitler anti-semitic ?
 Are Palestinian school bus bombers anti-semitic ?
 Were Josef Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler anti-semitic ?'s a wrap-up question...   Would it be a vicious attack to call this list of characters "anti-semitic" ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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  Admittedly there is a slight accomodation, where the term 'anti-semitic" actually means "anti-Jew".  So allowing for this meaning to the term, I offer this short quiz;
  Is Amadinijhad anti-semitic ?
  Was Yassir Arafat anti-semitic ?
  Were the nations who ganged up on Israel in 1967 and 1973 antisemitic ?
  Are portions of the KKK anti-semitic ?
  Was Hitler anti-semitic ?
 Are Palestinian school bus bombers anti-semitic ?
 Were Josef Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler anti-semitic ?'s a wrap-up question...   Would it be a vicious attack to call this list of characters "anti-semitic" ?
Maybe some and maybe not.....maybe about as anti-black as criticizing Barrack.....! Flip side is anti-gentilism, which is what calling somebody anti-semitic is actually. But what is antisemitic is bombing, stealing and genociding Palestinian Christians and islamics since they are 100% semitic...And using charges of antisemiticism to quiet any and all critcal analysis of these actions is bogus as RP and MR Shueuer clearly point out in OP #1....Charges of anti-semiticism have now been employed so much that it is like the littgle boy whole cried wolf....rather meaningless.....because all cards are now on the table, regardless of who you think you are today or yesteryear.  Also, orthrodox jews consider evangelicalism anti-semitic since it implies a return of Messiah Christ and conversion of judaism to his Word--about as anti-semitic as it gets!...LOL...
  There you go TM...being a complete hoot..again !
  You say those characters listed above, are about the equivalent of people disagreeing with Obama's policies..
   Let's see now; complaining about Solyndra..same as a bus bombing.
  Um..disagreeing with Obama over "global warming'...same as Yassir Arafat's guys taking ove Achille Lauro and killing Klinghofer.
  Or..complaining about the over regulation of business.. same as the holocaust. (Hitler & Goebbels)
 Perhaps questioning the cost of two Air Force #1 planes and hundreds of staff vacationing in Spain.. same as a combine of several nations starting a war in 1967.
      Surely, you're only joking !   ;)   :D   :D   ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Israel is our only ally in the area.
we are their only ally in the world.
RP knows about vicious attacks.  that's what he makes at the other republican candidates, and by association, the American voters.
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Offline BAGTIC

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Ally? When?
Remember nations don't have friends. They have interests... and those change with circumstances.

Offline SwampThing762

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BUGEYE, well said, sir.  Calling out someone someone who is anti-Semitic is speaking the truth.  If it looks like a horse, walks like a horse, and sounds like a horse......well, it is a horse.    Islamophiles and apologists are looking for zebras.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

Show your appreciation for more bacon.

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Offline ironglow

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My dear IG...RP, Mr Shueuer, and myself aren't talking about about those things you dwell on...we 're talking about our US policies in relation to being a vassal state of isreal....people such as yourself utitlize anti-semitic charges constantly to stop all discussion on this critical analysis.  Your list of haters seems more like war time crime list, even though I don't know anything about school buses and the achllie lauro incident has been your measure then the:
...the bombing of the King David Hotel  Along with the recent Mumbai hotel massacre, how many other hotels have Muslims hit?
...the Gaza concentration camp; and property theft.  By UN demand, Gaza was returned; if its a cc camp, it's all their own !
...the USS liberty attack Fades in comparison with the Marine baracks in Lebanon, the USS Cole, Lockerbie crash & the WTC.
...the Kahane mosque attack  How many churches, temples, Buddhist shrines and christian schoolgirls been attacked since ?
...the various spy cases against the uSA  Starting with the "Lackawana 7"  how many Islam citizen turncoats have been caught ?
...the failure to sign nuclear non-proliferation agreements or have inspections As you said yourself, Iran has signed the "non-proliferation pact..what are they doing at this moment ?
would all be anti-gentilism... ;)
In any case, your belief system being Rapture ready would be construed as anti-semitism...and that is a fact.
  You may not think the Palestinians hijacked the Achille Lauro..but the NY Times and the rest of the world believes they did it. Thanks to an alert Ollie North, the killers were apprehended, tried and jailed !
   Then of course there were the school buses...  I stand corrected, they were not bombed...instead, they were hit with anti-tank weapons.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Ron Paul says calling somebody an 'anti-semitic' is a VICIOUS ATTACK..
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2012, 08:18:30 AM »
TM says;
  " I believe the klingovfer/lauro case was ultimately blamed on The Jackal....a dual agent!. I don't know much about school buses...except in the most recent example no body was killed and the bus was in Palestinian territory now occupied...bus bombs??...need the story."
  So if you send an RPG into a school bus and luckily, nobody is harm done ?
  The bus was in "occupied Palestinian territory" other words, Israel..  So THEN it's OK to RPG the bus ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Ron Paul says calling somebody an 'anti-semitic' is a VICIOUS ATTACK..
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2012, 10:39:44 AM »
  The evidence in the video does not reflect the title of this thread. Ron was talking about a statement used against him self as a vicious attack and it was. It was a vicious attack because it is not true. It is one of the talking points used to convince the public Ron is not electable. Calling someone anti-semitic if it is true would be exposing the truth, not a vicious attack.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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