ear: You may have something. Look at all the pending disasters on the horizon.
1. That volcano on the east coast of Africa, that when it goes it is supposed to creat a sunami that will complete cover Florida, Lousianna, and most of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, S. Carolina, and half of Texas.
2. The new Madrid Fault, that has the potential to wipe out Chicago, St, Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and everything along the Mississippi.
3. Mt Rainier, Yellowstone, or any of the major Volcano's along the ring of fire should have a major eruption. A new Ice Age could be started instantly. If one whole year with no growing season were to happen, Earth's population would be depleted to small pockets around the world. Doubt the industrialized nations would survive. It was not all that long ago that we had the year with no summer, Early 1800s, famine occured here in North America and through out Europe.