My Win 100 needs a new gas piston /cyl. My SIL is V.P. of a machine /fab company and can make the parts 'custom' for me. I want something that is corrosion resistant and tough. Question 1) is 416 S.S. the best material to use? If not, then what is (nothing exotic please)? Is heat treating required? Q 2) How close tolerance should the piston fit the cyl without the cyl 'biting' the piston once a few shots have been fired? The Win 100 auto gas system look very much like the M-14 system, except that the Win 100 system is all concealed in the forearm, the M-14 cyl is exposed out in front of its forearm. OK, some of you with this kind of experience jump in and tell me what material and how close the fit should be. Thanks. Oh, you cand PM me if you prefer.