Cannonmn, Thanks for working with them to make this clip much more available. We need more of this type of clip to counter the trash and dangerous stuff that is out there now. Mike and I love shooting these guns and do so every time we get out to the eastern Colorado MG and Cannon shoots. Thank you!!
Tracy and Mike
Tracy gets to load and shoot the Krupp 50mm Mountain Gun. The bullet is a one pound zinc bolt with a very thin copper driving band. It is painted with a color not found in nature so it can be found and picked up to be used again. Unlike the expanding lead bolts, it's a hard surface, bore rider and is shot without any lube, just as we load our thin, expanding-skirt, mild steel, bolts.
Here is a target we fired using a test barrel and unlubricated 12L14 steel bolts. 5 shots in 3.25" at 100 yards is the norm. Without lubrication, the bolt's skirt flairs out and engages without any slippage. Full engagement means superior accuracy. Lubrication allows the expanding skirt to slip and skid across the rifling as it expands, resulting in incomplete rifling engagement and resulting loss of accuracy.
Here is a target fired at 100 yards in which each of five, 12L14 steel, bolts was coated with white lithium grease just to see it's effect on accuracy. The group was expanded to 12 Inches!! What works well for bolts with lead coatings or solid lead projectiles, DOES NOT work for saboted, bore riders. The target results speak for themselves.