The Obama administration is banning the IMPORT of 1911s, previously manufactured in the US to GI specs, sent to partner countries overseas, who are now wanting to return them as per the requirements of the original agreement wherewith we sent them to them in the first place. This is identical to the previous situation wherein the Obama administration did not allow the return of M1 Garands and Carbines that were sent overseas under similar agreements. If I remember correctly, the justification for refusing the return of the M1s had to do with fear of citizens having access to military grade weapons, or some such affect. I used to have the quote from the WH spokesman at the time, but lost it. There was much discussion over at the CMP, who by law is responsible to receive those returned firearms and assess them for resale to the populace through the Civilian Marksmanship Program, or destruction. Many of those wind up deactivated and used by Scout Troops, ROTC units, VFWs, etc. for ceremonial drill rifles or training.
It could've been any US manufactured GI spec weapon that we've sold/loaned numerous allies over the years. It is not a particular slight against the 1911, not does it effect the manufacture or sale of the 1911 in the US. This is exclusively to receiving returned firearms from a foreign partner, probably in Europe or Korea. I will be curious to see what the US does in this case, as they are technically property of the US government. Were they smart, they'd receive them back in DOD circulation, send them for inspection, and return the working models into circulation with some of the units that are asking to return to the 1911. My guess is, the US State Dept will be directed to say that while we will not receive them back, we don't want them being used to harm anyone else, so we'll demand a statement that they were smelted. The recipient country will then file the numbers off, and sell them on the open market, so they can be bought by an ATF agent in Mexico and used to kill a BP officer in the line of duty. And I've not even started being cynical ...