Enough Guys put this to bed and leave it!
GBO Terms of Use agreement prohibit flame and flaming and prohibits Trolls and trolling. That is wording used in TU.
GBO Terms of Use Policy & Privacy Statement.
Graybeard Outdoors and its Administrators reserve the right to refuse access to the Graybeard Outdoors websites to anyone without explanation. GBO in agreement with its members displays its members copyrighted "Intellectual Property" for display in an open forum like manner on the Graybeard Outdoors websites and other GBO publications. The GBO website is privately owned and operated by Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises. By your continued use of the GBO website you AGREE TO and ACCEPT the following terms of use as outlined below.
The use or posting of copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have prior consent is not allowed. Anyone doing so is subject to removal from the GBO website for a length of time to be determined by the GBO Administration.
The posting or displaying of sexually explicit, adult related content, pornography, or any illegal material or links to it will result in your removal from the GBO website permanently on the first offense.
Purposely posting incorrect, misleading, or hazardous information will result in removal from the GBO website permanently on the first offense.
The GBO website is a Family Oriented site and the content of all post made on the GBO site should be in a manner that reflects this. We will not tolerate profanity and any post that contains profanity is subject to deletion or edit by an Administrator or Moderator without notice. Continued use of such language may result in removal from the GBO site for a length of time decided by the Administration.
GBO will not tolerate "Flame Wars" if you feel the need to constantly flame people then you are at the wrong web site and should leave now. Anyone violating this policy is subject to removal from the GBO website for a length of time decided by the Administration.
Personal Attacks are considered unacceptable at GBO and will result in removal from the GBO website, the manner in which these are handled will be at the discretion of the Administration. In cases of continued disagreements in open forum by multiple parties equal action will be taken with all involved parties, no one member will be shown special consideration in such cases regardless of membership status.
Moderators at GBO are volunteers and receive no monetary compensation for their time from GBO. These are members who wish to contribute to the GBO web site and therefore donate their time, please respect them and understand that they too are members here at GBO and have opinions of their own and these opinions may not be that of GBO or the Administration but as with any member deserves respect.
Administrators at GBO are the only ones who have the power to remove anyone from the GBO website, All actions taken by an Administrator is considered "Approved by Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises", Administrators act on behalf of Graybeard Outdoors Enterprises and any action taken by an Administrator is beyond contestation.
Members at GBO are bound by the terms of this agreement and anyone who fails to comply with the terms of this agreement in its entirety will forfeit their membership and any rights to view or use the information located on the GBO servers, any "Intellectual Property" owned by a member who has been removed from the GBO site is still considered to be copyrighted by that individual but GBO retains the right to continue displaying such "Intellectual Property" as outlined in this "Terms of Use" agreement.
By posting content to the GBO web site you are giving GBO unlimited, unrestricted, royalty free use of your "Intellectual Property", GBO is in no way obligated to reimburse any member for use of any copyrighted material posted on GBO. GBO retains the right to use the "Intellectual Property" posted on our site for any purpose it sees fit as long as credit is given to its copyright owner. GBO retains these rights to all "Intellectual Property" posted on the GBO web site regardless of the copyright owners current membership status.
Member’s assumption of Liability. All GBO members assume sole responsibility for their use of the information that is provided to them on the GBO web site. No claim is made to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information located on the GBO web site and therefore should be considered opinion and not fact.
GBO Classifieds are provided free for the GBO members. Any member may post items for sale on the various classifieds forums provided the item conforms to the rules of the forum it is being posted to and provided the member is not acting on behalf of ANY company or business. Those wishing to use the GBO classifieds as a source of retail or wholesale sales may do so but only after paying the yearly fee associated with that advertising plan.
Classifieds Posting Rules, if you have an item on any internet auction DO NOT post it on the GBO forums until the auction ends and the item does not sell. Also each of the Classifieds forums have a set of rules posted in them that will be the current policy for that forum and must be followed. If an item posted to GBO Classifieds is moved to an auction site please so note by editing the subject. It will be removed from GBO
GBO Photo Album, Currently all registered members are allowed access to the GBO Photo Album and may post images to it to be used on the GBO web site or any other website on the internet. GBO does not block remote linking of the images in the photo gallery but reserves the right to do so in the future at any time without prior notice. By posting an image to the GBO server or by linking it in a post located on the GBO server you are giving GBO unlimited and unrestricted access and rights to use and display the image in any manner seen fit by the Administration. You retain sole copyright to the image but GBO has royalty free use of the image indefinitely if posted on the GBO website and for the period the link remains active on the GBO web site for those located off site.
Membership termination, GBO reserves the right to terminate anyone's membership for any reason without any explanation; though this may not be the practice of the GBO administrators they do have this right.
Not a Public access site, GBO is not a public access site and is not governed by any laws other than those set forth by the Federal Government, the State of Alabama and the State of Texas. GBO does not recognize anyone's given right to use or access the information contained on the GBO site, contrary to such all information located on the GBO servers is considered to be copyrighted "Intellectual Property" and therefore its use and access are subject to the author's permission. All GBO members agree to give the GBO administration sole discretion as to who can and can not view their material while it is located on the GBO servers. GBO retains the right to refuse access without notice or explanation and for any length of time to include indefinitely.
Posting Links on the GBO web site is free to all, though the GBO administration reviews all links posted to our links database. No links pertaining to adult or sexually related sites are allowed. Only links that are related to topics discussed on the GBO web site or that fall into the predefined categories will be allowed.
Multiple usernames are allowed on GBO but in order to do so you must use a different VALID email address for each name. We do not restrict members to only one account but do ask that you not create extra accounts that you do not post under.
Spam, GBO has a NO SPAM policy; we will not tolerate spamming in any form, PM's Email, or open forum. Break this rule and your account will be banned indefinitely.
Trolls, GBO will not tolerate "TROLLS" anyone suspected of being a troll on the forums will be dealt with promptly.
Scammers, GBO will assist anyone who feels they have been a victim of a scam on the GBO servers and who can provide the required proof.
Member Protection, GBO wants to protect our members from any harm of any sort while at GBO, therefore in order to insure honesty and truthfulness in transactions conducted using the GBO web site GBO reserves the right to release any members known personal information to include, Name, Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Aliases, IP Addresses, ISP, Activity history, email transcripts, pm transcripts, open forum posts or any other information that GBO might have relating to the member to any law enforcement agency or federal, state or local agency if fraud is reported and proof can be provided. GBO will attempt to contact the member accused, and allow them to provide any proof that they might have to the contrary. If the member fails to respond GBO reserves the right to turn over said members information to the above mentioned agencies or GBO may elect to assist the accusing member in seeking legal actions or restitutions against the accused member in which case the accused members information would be turned over to the accusing member and/or their legal counsel.
Proof of Shipment/Payment, GBO encourages anyone conducting a transaction to ensure proof of payment and shipment. If you sale an item and ship it with out a proof of delivery slip GBO can not assist you in seeking legal action or restitution. The same is said for payment, if you send cash in the mail to pay for an item you have purchased then a) we can not aid you in your recovery b) have got to be out of your mind in the first place. It costs very little for these confirmations and are worth every cent of it, they are your only proof, without them it is one member's word against another's, and in such cases GBO reserves the right to not get involved at all. To ensure help from GBO please follow this simple rule as it is for your protection.
Off Topic Discussion, GBO forums are many and diverse, though we do have many that are topic specific and request that our members try to keep off topic discussions to a minimum, if there is a forum for it, please post it in that forum, if there is not then the moderators and administrators may choose to allow the topic to stay, but it is at their discretion.
Equality among members, at GBO we feel that all members are equal, and each and every one of you contribute in your own way to make GBO what it is. We also understand that each of our members have their own ideas, beliefs and opinions, and we respect that. We ask that every member of GBO always remember that we are all unique and we all have our own ideas, beliefs, and opinions and respect those of your fellow members as much as you would have them respect yours. Now if that is none and you feel as though you need not respect the opinions of your fellow members, I expect you will not be staying around here for very long.
Baiting Members, GBO has a zero tolerance policy for members who try to bait other members into violating the rules and "Terms of Use" of the GBO site. Those who bait other members while themselves trying to stay within the letter of the rules are in fact in "violation of the spirit of the rules". As such the member baiting another member is subject to the same actions by Moderators or Administrators as the baited member should the member then violate site rules in retaliation or in response to the baiting. This rule applies to all members of GBO regardless of membership status or rank.
Private Message System, The GBO private message system is in place for our members to have a way to contact each other and have discussions that should not be posted into the open forums. GBO Administrators will from time to time prune the PM system to clean up the database. When this is done older pm's in your inbox may be deleted. If you wish to save a pm you should move it to your saved box. GBO is not responsible for any information lost in this processes nor can we retrieve it once it is gone. When Graybeard prunes he prunes ALL messages by age. Saved ones too. Put it on your computer if you can't afford to lose it.
GBO Email System, GBO does not give out members email addresses, rather we have an email system in place to allow members to send other members email without giving the sender the email address. Any member who abuses the email system or the pm system will be removed from the GBO web site indefinitely. ALL MEMBERS must have a VALID EMAIL address on file with GBO in order for the GBO Administration to contact them if the need should present itself. Failure to have a valid email address is grounds for account termination. GBO does not send Mass email to our members unless a change has been made to GBO that members should be made aware of.
GBO Mailing Lists, GBO does not at current maintain any mailing lists nor do we intend to in the near future. GBO may elect to do so at any point and any member wishing to be "included" not "excluded" will need to contact GBO at the time such mailing lists come available. GBO will not send "junk email or spam" nor will we allow any third party access to our members information intentionally except as stated in this agreement. .
GBO Post Notification System, GBO has a system in place to notify members of new posts and/or PM' s if a member elects to use this system and said member is found to have an invalid email address listed on their account on the GBO servers said members account may be deactivated and or suspended and the members right to use the notification system may be revoked at the discretion of the GBO Administration.
Advertising, GBO is a privately owned "information resource" company and our revenue is generated by advertising and hosting fees. Currently we have no fee based membership plans nor do we charge a listing fee in the classifieds. So advertising is our main source of revenue and we will not allow anyone to post solicitation for sales without first paying the GBO advertising fees. Any post which violates this rule will be deleted immediately and the posters account may be suspended. If you wish to become an advertiser please visit the Advertising at GBO Forum located at the top of the forum list.
Avatars, GBO allows it members to use "avatars", these are small images the member chooses to represent them and their user account. These images must follow the terms as outlined here, NO adult related images or Sexually explicit images will be allowed, nor will images that are intended to offend or incite other members be allowed. Anyone not adhering to these rules is subject to having their account deactivated or removed from the GBO servers.
Change without Notification, Though the practice of GBO may not be to change this terms of use agreement without notification we reserve the right to do so. Any changes made to this document in whole or part are considered retroactive and thus are instantly in force and are considered to have been in force since this documents execution on 2-1-2005, this also means that a member who breaks the rules prior to the change of the rule can still be held liable for such actions retroactively.
Members Acceptance, any member at GBO registered or otherwise is required to follow all rules and guidelines set forth in this document, failure to do so will result in the member's removal and access to the GBO site to be denied to the member. GBO in good faith trusts all of our members to read and understand the terms as outlined in this agreement. Any member who accesses the GBO web site on or after 2-1-2005 agrees to be bound by the terms of this agreement and enters in to a contractual obligation with GBO to conduct themselves in a manner set forth herein for the length of said members visit and each subsequent visit there after. Any member who wishes to have their account removed from the GBO server may do so with a written request to an administrator, request can be sent via email, pm, or US Postal Service. Request to remove accounts made in open forums will be ignored and deleted.
GBO Legal Department, GBO has several Law firms which represent GBO in legal matters. If you feel the need to contact this department you may do so by sending an email to "Legal at graybeard outdoors dot com". ( remove spaces and change the at to @ and dot to . ) please note that the legal department will only respond to issues relating to events or actions on the GBO servers.
Information Collection, GBO will collect information about its members for the sole purpose of improving the members browsing experience, GBO will not collect any information without your knowledge, GBO DOES NOT use ad ware or spy ware nor do we use Pop-Up Ads. You are here by notified that GBO collects information about: your ISP, Computer Operating System, Display Resolution, Browser and Version and other demographics related information, never will we collect private/personal information without your consent. GBO stores all personal information on a secure server located in the state of Texas and therefore abides by all laws regarding your personal information as set forth by that state and by the federal laws which govern it also. GBO will NEVER sell or release any members information except where stated otherwise in this document.
Contests and Drawings, GBO will from time to time hold contests for our members, in such case the contests rules and guidelines will be posted for the members to review, anyone entering into a GBO contest must provide GBO with all information requested. This information will be of a private nature and can include Real Name, address, phone number and other personal information. GBO urges anyone providing us this information to do so OFFLINE or through email, NEVER post your private information in open forum. Winners of the contests will be chosen according to the rules of each contest.
Content Availability, GBO makes no guarantee neither written nor implied as to the accessibility of the content located on the GBO servers due to the basic nature of the internet and the possibility for problems that might prevent members from accessing the information at GBO. GBO also reserves the right to remove any content that it sees fit for any reason without notice. GBO makes no guarantee to its members that their "Intellectual Property" will remain on the GBO server for any set amount of time unless otherwise stated in writing by an administrator. Any member may request to have their "Intellectual Property" removed from the GBO site. This must be a written request and will only be accepted if sent in one of the following ways, PM's on the GBO system from the account listed in the post, email from the account listed in the post. GBO reserves the right to refuse removal if said content offers members useful information that might not be otherwise located on the GBO servers.
GBO Support Center, GBO has a support center for its members to use when they have a problem while visiting the GBO web site. This system is in place to assist members only with issues related to the use of the GBO web site. The Support Center DOES NOT answer questions related to the topics of the forums found on the GBO web site.
Load Data, GBO has several forums that may contain load data and information, the use of this data is the sole responsibility of the one using it. NO guarantee is made to the validity, accuracy, completeness or safety of use of this data. Anyone posting unsafe or incorrect data is subject to removal from the GBO site indefinitely.
Emphasis added.
You will find a good discussion on what internet flame and flaming is on wikipedia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaming_%28Internet%29What I perceived Ironball to be doing was flaming. I should have identified him and his conduct as flame. And even more correctly I should have just hit the report to the moderator button.
Even though the TU uses the term Troll, it is a slang term used to indentify flaming on the internet. It is a common reference to a type of internet conduct. But the polite, politically correct term is flame.
I wrote troll as a habit of speech and not in a heated moment and to identify a someone involved in a prohibited conduct spelled out in the TU. The TU says troll
When I was called out for using the term troll, it was said I was name calling , I accepted that it could be perceived as name calling, even though it is using a word and conduct found in the the TU. There is a time and place for a shovel to be called a spade. I should have said spade; I should have said flame.
You must forgive me. Tim and I built this board from scratch and through thick and thin kept it going for 10 years. I feel just a bit of ownership. If some one tries drag it down or disrupt it, I still get the "mother-defending-her-brood" feeling.
This topic is dead. Time to move on. This is a done deal. It is over with, LET IT GO!