I have never shot a coyote with a rimfire but over the years I have killed a half doz. or so feral or semi feral stock killing dogs without problems. All were 25-50 yards and all but one, a big rott, fell where they stood or within a few feet. The rott had killed some goats and was shot running away at about 45 yards. I found him about a quarter mile away a week later. The bullet had hit him a little far back through the liver which accounts for how far he went. Based on this i would say a rimfire is fine at moderate ranges if the lungs, heart, spine or brain is hit but miss these and the animal will likely run a long ways and then curl up and die but you will lose the animal. By the way these were all stan. vel. long rifle bullets and in most cases bulk softpoints. :shock: Remember you will do fine with small for purpose rounds if you place them well and poorly if you shoot poorly. It all comes down to be sure you can shoot strait or don't shoot at all. :grin: