Bluedog...The shorter barrels shouldn't be any more difficult to shoot accurately than a longer barrel. In fact, the rifles barrels that I have shortened generally shot better than after I shortened them.
Don't know how much time and effort you may have invested so far with working up loads and messing with bedding etc. But at some point it is cheaper to sell the gun(s) you have and start over, which essentially you have with your Ruger purchase.
Sometimes the fix is as simple as shooting bullets suited to the twist of your barrel. I once bought a Ruger 6mm from a buddy that couldn't get it to shoot much better than 1 1/2 inches, he was trying 105 and 100 grainers to use for deer hunting. I started out with some thrown together 85 grainer bullets just to sight. Shot 3 consecutive 3/8 inch groups just sighting in. Was an awesome yote gun and I shot my share of deer with it as well.
Good luck