I was visiting at Lake Conroe during mid-October of this year, and yeah.......that water level was so low, in some places, there's room for new "water-front" homes.
Should this drought'ish trend continue, I wouldn't doubt it if some enterprising political hot-shot began to sell "all new lake-front" lots.
The city of Houston drains off something like 5 to 6 inches per week from Lake Conroe.
Certainly not good conditions for those who love bass fishing!
FWIW: If You can afford the trip, come late springtime, go visit stateside areas along the great lakes; especially Lake Erie from Ohio to Buffalo, NY. The small-mouth bass fishing there is nothing short of spectacular.
Have you ever boated a 10 pound small-mouth bass? I have, and bass from 4 to 11 lbs are not at all uncommon in Lake Erie.
Walleyes, ie, "Yellow Pike" are measured in feet, as are Muskellunge , and Northern Pike, plus, the Walleyes, and Pike's are great eating as well.
I find that Lake Erie bass are good to eat, up to about 15 inches in length, after that they seem to harbor a very pungent "fishy" after taste.
In the early fall, Walleyes, Pike, and Bass can usually still be found, though that's when the Salmon and out-sized Trout make themselves abundant.
Lake Ontario regularly offers "baby whale" sized Salmon, as a friend of mine describes the Salmon.
Not necessary to limit fishing only to the Lakes in the fall, as the tributaries flowing into the Great Lakes, harbor plenty of good sized fish for the angler.
Suggestions for Lake Erie access for those who don't own a boat: Dunkirk, NY at the city pier, and all winter long near the warm water outlet of the local power plant, close to the city pier.
Summertime fishing: The Buffalo, NY Small Boat Harbor on Route #5 (next to the old Freezer Queen plant), offers anglers access to most game fish species in Lake Erie.
Worms, Minnows, and just about any artificial lure produces, plus a good saltwater boat, or higher sided freshwater craft is an asset, as it will afford one access to excellent angling.
Lake Ontario Salmon are abundant in most tributary areas, and the Lake Ontario local bait shops can direct the traveling angler to good places to fish, as well as providing egg sac baits, and local favorite lures.
BTW: Trout and Salmon fishing are open all Winter long on Lake Erie, and that's one pleasure that I truly miss, since leaving that area nearly 10 years ago.