I'm new to this forum but have been building and shooting cannons and mortars since 1979. I used to put on a cannnon/mortar shoot (starting in 1989) until the range we use changed hands 3 years ago. The new owners have a bunch of high priced attorneys that don't understand the fun to be had firing these types of guns! That was too bad. Dave Cumberland, "The Old Western Scrounger", was a friend and always brought something unusual to our events to shoot. I will try to share some details on a few of the odd guns that came here to play.
I have built a 40 mm Whitworth with steel carraige and handmade 42" wood spoke wheels, a 1/2 scale 1841 6lb fieldpiece (2 1/4" bore), assorted mortars firing golf balls, juice cans, coke cans, and bowling pins, plus a bowling ball mortar. Also constructed a replica of a Leonardo da Vinci mortar that fires 10oz cans of concrete, that I copied from a 1/17th scale model made in Italy. All have been sold off except the Da Vinci mortar. It is too cute and my wife likes it so it stays!
If it is OK, I have copies of some old cannon plans I would like to sell, plus a few other items I have created?
I look forward to your posts,
Kid Kneestone