FWIW, I was one of those that mentioned that I knew someone, who had the connections to make metal spacers and trigger guards. I ran into three problems, one, which my contact mentioned was that the item would have to be made overseas (meaning China) in order for it to be a viable product (produced at a reasonable cost so it could be sold at a reasonable cost). He also mentioned that most American sportsmen have an ingrained bias about the quality of items made in China, so he was wondering if it would sell.
The other problem was that I mentioned that I wanted the parts made out of brass, to which he replied that the material would add quite a bit to the markup.
Finally, he wanted me to commit to a specific number of each part. I have no idea how many would sell, and I didn't want to get burned financially. I'm trying to get him to give me a minimum number for an order that he would accept.
At this time, progress has been stalled. I honestly don't know if it will ever come to fruition. I would settle for plain metal (blued aluminum or steel) spacers and trigger guards. The question is, would they sell?