Author Topic: Republican candidates would be wise to listen to Cal Thomas  (Read 225 times)

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Offline guzzijohn

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Republican candidates would be wise to listen to Cal Thomas
« on: March 15, 2012, 03:32:01 AM »
I think Thomas pretty well hits the nail on head with this column if the republicans are going to have a chance of winning:

  GOP needs a message of hope, not judgment   
  • By Cal Thomas
  • Tribune Media Services
  • Published Tuesday, March 13, 2012, at  5:26 p.m.
You’ve got to hand it to Democrats and the Obama re-election campaign. Like a quarterback who looks left to draw the defense away from his intended target on the right, Democrats have managed to divert our attention.
Instead of debating President Obama’s dreadful record on just about everything, Democrats have managed to get Republicans talking about sex and morality. Rather than figuring out what to do about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, Democrats have put Republicans on the defensive over the use of vulgar words applied to liberal women. For their use of equally offensive or similar words applied to conservative women, they mostly get a pass, because this isn’t about the words; it’s about politics.
The strategy seems to be working. After a week of debating, discussing and deploring what Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke, the Washington Post ran a front-page story announcing “GOP gains dwindling among women.” They must be toasting one another at Obama’s 2012 national headquarters in Chicago.
How did Republicans allow themselves to be outmaneuvered like this? Why do they think that talking about sex, much less trying to regulate it (some might start with regulating themselves) is going to gain votes for the party in a hedonistic age in which worship of the Dow Jones industrial average and pleasure trumps a higher authority?
The public has little faith in the ability of politicians to run the country. The approval rating for Congress just hit an all-time low of 9 percent, according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll. That’s lower than the approval rating for pornography, polygamy and human cloning, as cited in Gallup’s 2011 Values and Beliefs poll.
Republicans are missing an opportunity to outmaneuver Democrats. Instead of playing the Democrats’ game, Republicans should embrace a positive and optimistic vision. It worked for Ronald Reagan – the president Republicans so revere and wish was still around. Does anyone believe if Reagan were alive today, he would be happy with the way the party is destroying itself?
I have made this argument before in different ways and with different analogies, and I will continue to make it until someone takes it seriously. Stop arguing about philosophy and morality and instead feature people who have embraced Republican principles and whose lives are better as a result. These would include a single mother who is now independent of government assistance and either has a job or operates her own small business, thanks, perhaps, to a microloan.
Show me people who were brought up on “the wrong side of the tracks” with alcoholic fathers or absent mothers, but because others took an interest in them (a teacher, a mentor), managed to make something of themselves.
How about an example of a man who was mired in debt but decided to stop spending money he didn’t have, paid his bills and is now debt-free with a good credit rating? He could provide an example for what government should do.
Why aren’t Republicans telling positive stories, instead of so often labeling and condemning people? It’s what Reagan did. Go to YouTube and watch that 1984 campaign commercial “It’s Morning in America.”
For too many Republicans, the sun is setting on America. The return of daylight saving time isn’t going to help.

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Offline crustylicious

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Re: Republican candidates would be wise to listen to Cal Thomas
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 06:05:22 AM »
Guzzi, good post , all true CRUSTY  ;) ;)
But it will never work  :-[
These would include a single mother who is now independent of government assistance and either has a job or operates her own small business, thanks, perhaps, to a microloan.microloans are socialist >:(
Show me people who were brought up on “the wrong side of the tracks” with alcoholic fathers or absent mothers, but because others took an interest in them (a teacher, a mentor), managed to make something of themselves. only if it's a a non-union teacher  >:(
How about an example of a man who was mired in debt but decided to stop spending money he didn’t have, paid his bills and is now debt-free with a good credit rating? He could provide an example for what government should do.  probably supports OWS  >:(
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