I take handgun hunting very seriously, so have strong opinion about using them for hunting. Like with anything else, what you get out of something is a product of what you put into it. By default handguns require far more from you than the long arms do. There are no fast shortcuts with a handgun... to do the crime with them (effectively/humanely/ethically) you MUST do the time first, second and along the way.
I started seriously handgun hunting in the mid 60's with revolvers for big game, revolvers and autos for small game, and became very proficient at it through countless hours of shooting each of my hunting handguns in non hunting practice until I was very confident what I could do with it consistently. The key when hunting was to stay within my current abilities with each handgun until I could do more with it when that was confirmed in practice. The ranges got longer in steps over time, the speciality handguns I first got into in 1968 extended them much farther and became my go to for long range, some of them extreme range hunting. Many could be used as effectively in field positions as far or farther than some can shoot their rifles effectively in the field. Off a bench many specialty handguns can surpass any run of the mill rifle, even give bench rifles a run for their money. When I started getting handguns chambered for wildcats that extended ranges even farther. I also used rifles and shotguns for hunting all my life (and smokepoles from 1970), from when a kid growing up on a ranch. The long guns had a big head start on the handguns, just in all the 22 rimfires alone I shot as a kid mostly in rifles. But in the end I fired far more, make that many times more shots in handguns during the 40 or so years I hunted with them until the health failed than I shot in all the other firearms types combined in my entire life. I did the time with handguns. I don't hunt or shoot anymore with anything... it's been enough years now that it would take some serious extended range time before I'd even think of doing it again with handguns, and some range time even for rifles. I'm sure I haven't lost it entirely, but the eyes are not as good and I am way out of practice to hunt with a handgun ethically.