Author Topic: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions  (Read 1057 times)

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Offline Tom H.

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45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:16:17 PM »
This past weekend I came into a caspian longslide (only the slide) with sights and wanted to get to my "hunting 1911" project.
The Kimber that I want to fit the slide to has already digested a reasonable amount of 45 super and I thought that the extra inch of barrel and the adjustible sights would make it that much better as a hunting pistol.
I have done a bit of research but haven't gotten any clear answers regarding its use in a longslide with the extra mass. Any thoughts, experience, or ideas would be appreciated.
I am probably going with a Nowlin 6" pre fit.

Offline Mikey

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Re: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2012, 01:15:47 AM »
Tom:  I don't think you are going to have any problems with that long slide.  The 45 Super has a lot more energy and recoil impulse than the 45 acp and that should move the long slide properly.  If the slide is properly 'sprung' (with the proper spring weight), the conversion should work properly for you.  You will need a longer spring and I would get myself a long guide rod to help prevent the longer spring from kinking.  Good luck and please let us know how it goes. 

Offline Tom H.

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Re: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 12:00:36 PM »
Thanks for the reply Mikey.
The project is moving along.Sights are on.  Fitted a Nowlin drop in.  Unfortunately it didn't drop in. One fellow in the shop that I work in is fairly versed in 1911's, but he noticed the issues as well.  I had to relieve the locking recesses on the barrel in order to align it with the firing pin hole.  Still .020 off of center.  I did take it out to function test it (I thought the .025 was taken care of) and it is remarkably accurate.  Pretty much a double hole at 50ft.
We will see where I go next.  It has a #3 link now when it may actually need a #4.  If i can't find a way to correct things (tig the feet, as I need the extra) I may have to invest in another barrel.
Or maybe it is good enough as it is.

Offline Mikey

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Re: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 01:04:39 AM »
Tom:  double holes at 50' usually mean the same at longer ranges, which means your longslide shoots very well indeed.  As for relieving more of the locking recesses to center the firing pin hole - why don't you give the pistol a few more rounds of break-in to see how she shoots before you change anything.  Sometimes they just need a bit of a break-in before the parts settle in together.  HTH.

Offline Tom H.

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Re: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2012, 05:18:21 AM »
Get ready for this.  Why check the obvious.
I measured the distance from the bottom of the slide to the firing pin center on the original slide.  The hole on the longslide begins where the center of the hole on the original slide is located.
Difference... .025 high.
I don't know if it is because the new slide takes a .38 super size pin, but I think that I am finished fitting.
Loaded up some super and looking forward to seeing how things work out.

Offline Tom H.

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Re: 45 super longslide conversion and some questions
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2012, 02:24:28 AM »
After deciding that the firing pin wasn't an issue, I put together some super rounds with power pistol and a 230 golden saber at 1050.

The group is at 25 yds.  Those were my last three rounds and I'm still getting used to the LPA diamond sights.
If the gun shoots into an inch I will be pretty happy.