Author Topic: CCI QUIET  (Read 555 times)

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Offline cwlongshot

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« on: October 26, 2012, 01:01:25 PM »
Evening guys.

I picked up a couple boxes of these some months back. If you dont know, its a LR shooting a 40G bullet at 710fps. But I don't see what barrel they got that velocity from.

Just go to shoot some tonight... Well they ARE quiet... They shoot accurately at 10-50' BUT.... BE CAREFUL!!

They WILL not exit long barrels all the time!!! 

Shooting them from my H&R 20" barrel was no problem. But the 29" on my CZ... I was pushing them out with a rod more often then not...

I know the Calibre and super calibre says hand gun only. I did not notice the same warnings on the CCI..

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Offline PowPow

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« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 01:46:05 PM »
I tried the CCI Quiet Shorts in my Henry H001T.
Accurate enough to hit the 8" gong at 100 yds with open sights; hard to hear the ping that happens moments after the hammer falls. Had the buckhorn on the top step of the elevator ramp.
Novel, but I won't buy anymore.
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« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 10:17:50 AM »
  I've shot a couple of boxes of them  in various 22's that i own, and all of them exited the bbl's just fine.  I did shoot a number of racoons with them and they did poorly because of the poorly designed (for hunting)  bullet they have.
  I won't buy any more of them because they are no quieter than Remington CBee's and don't kill coons nearly as well.  There's no question the CBee bullet is a much better designed bullet for killing the bigger/tougher small animals.