Thank you, one and all, for your suggestions. first of all I want to shoot this weapon (when it comes into the Toy Store) as a 357 Maggie first and see how it handles the Maggie and 38 Spl. Then, most likely, I'll ream it to a 357 Maxi. But first, I want to try and work up a heavy for caliber load in the Maggie. also a good load in 38 Spl. due to the fact that I have almost 5000 38 spl. cases. then work up Maxi loads. I'll have to purchase some Maxi brass which I believe will be the hardest thing to find. I have powder and primers, just no Maxi cases. I'm thinking along the lines of starting out with 180--200 grain WFN from LBT. tailored to my throat and lead. probably will also paper patch for this girl. but the big thing is to listen to suggestions from Y'all and when the girl gets here, to do a chamber cast w/throat leade and rifling. Any and all suggestions are appreciated and WELCOME. God Bless to Y'all and yours.
Goofy <aka GOF and Godfrey>
ETA: even if I don't find Maxi cases before Indiana Hunting for Deer season, I can still wallop one of the critters with good stalking and a heavy for caliber 357 magnum. O'yea, O'yea..........
ETAA: BB--thanks for the website, I bookmarked it and will check it out thoroughl. Thank you, also LedLobber.