Were your hits close to POA?
Right at POA at 25 yards! That tickled me as much if not more then the size of the group!
As I remember my '61 Navy shoot pretty high...
How long does it take to reload that thing?
A lot longer then dropping bullets into a cylinder through a gate that's for sure.
Ease and speed of reloading has been a concern since I started shooting these things. I don't know why...
They ain't been any yankee cavalry or infantry in my back yard since '64.
Right now dumping the correct powder charge into the cylinder is easy with my new 20 gr. measure, a 30 carbine case epoxied to a 30-06 handle, and a lubed felt wad is quicker then greasing over the chamber mouths.
So lessee here... that comes out to scoop 6 times, pour 6 times, plug 6 times, seat 6 times and cap 6 times for each reload.
Now, some time back I figured I could do better then that so I have loaded individual powder charges into nitrated paper. Then I only have to drop 6 times, plug 6 times, seat 6 times, and cap 6 times...
My goal is to be able to cut that down to dropping 6 times, seating 6 times and capping 6 times!
You know, the charge, wad and ball all together in a combustible wrapper.
Imma gonna try that this weekend!