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10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:06:55 AM »
10 ways to start becoming a real conservative for tomorrow's      from    TM7
.Thursday, May 24, 2012   
10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control     
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Activist Post

There are very real conspiracies in the world, and those conspiracies are always conducted by people "in the know" against those who are ignorant or naive of backroom machinations.

Past slavery was largely based on force (thus was much more obvious), but modern-day slavery is actually more widespread because global slave masters use all of the scientific tools at their disposal to win hearts and control minds, convincing us that our hands and feet are free, so we must be living self-directed lives.

There are signs that the mind-pyramids that technocrats have built to enforce their 21st-century global plantation slave system are crumbling as they press harder upon our cognitive ability to make sense of words and actions.  The owners of the shoulders on which the structure of tyranny is supported are beginning to leave in droves. The pyramids are falling as slaves begin to recognize their unconscious effort, and consciously encourage others to find a different line of work.

Here are 10 ways that you can help collapse all of the pyramids of control.

Anthony Freda Art
1. Media and Intelligence - Information is knowledge and knowledge is power -- this is where it all starts.  Turn off the TV, stop passively receiving information that turns you into an idiot at the teat of the "idiot box."  Get creative: start a blog, a neighborhood newsletter, radio show, public access TV or YouTube channel, write encouraging letters to companies you appreciate and nasty ones to those you boycott; DO something; anything to increase awareness.  Homeschooling is another great way to help short circuit the negative influences of systematic programming. Even if you don't agree with homeschooling, or are not able, there are concepts that you can help introduce into your public school to enhance education. Intelligence - there are technologies to thwart constant surveillance, as well as low-tech solutions to high-tech tyranny. The Internet is being used to surveil the public, but it also provides an opportunity for the public to surveil and report the real criminals. Use the system against itself.

2. Health and Agriculture - Why do tyrannical systems always move to declare methods of independence such as farming, vitamins, raw milk, and natural medication like cannabis as underground contraband systems that threaten the health of society?  Clearly because this is a cornerstone of freedom.  Learn to make your own medicines, trade on the underground, support other states (and countries) who have embraced food freedom, and stand your ground by forming local community resistance against food and health tyranny.  Moreover, simply making your mind and body stronger by pursuing what is natural and healthy will give you more power to challenge the system in every other way.

3. Energy and Technology - Support true economic development and pursue open source solutions to all technological problems that can affect humanity on the widest scale. These are the technologies that have been suppressed in the past, their creators destroyed; but now there are too many people pursuing goals to free humanity.  Embrace innovation and technology, but only as it leads to self-empowerment, self-determination, and genuinely helps the human and environmental condition. There are reportedly many free-energy patents being kept from the public.  These technologies can't be kept secret forever as long as the Internet remains free and open.  Support all efforts to maintain Internet freedom and the right to pursue innovation.

4. Mobility and Flexibility - Always be willing to adapt and move.  The structure of tyranny might be global, but there are always pockets of freedom that tyranny ignores -- normally based on economic interest.  Become adaptable, don't buy into the "American Dream" of having possessions to define your self-worth.  Once you discard the unimportant things, look for specific towns, states, or countries to escape economic decline and those which promote freedom. It's a difficult decision to pick up and move, especially when extended family comes into play, but discuss your ideas and the evidence for your concerns openly and honestly, and be the first to pioneer the building of a new future -- if things begin to collapse in earnest, you will soon be sought after by those who once doubted your "crazy" reasoning.

5. Prepare for the Worst - Along the same lines as being mobile and flexible, make sure that you store enough supplies to get through a few months or more of tough times.  The current system relies on your dependence and they can easily control those who live just-in-time lifestyles. Most people don't realize how much they "need" the system until something like a blizzard knocks out their power and wipes out the grocery store shelves.  It's wise to store back-up food, have the ability to produce food, gather tools and other items needed during power outages or other disasters, and actively pursue any and all other survival prepping and self-sufficiency techniques.

6. Refuse to Pay Unjust Debt - This is a moral decision based on the information that much of what was created to be a "loan" was based on a predatory system.  As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and that is duly noted, but when confronted with an enemy that has deliberately contrived devious ways to steal productivity and the fruits of honest labor, then the principle of justifiable self-defense is invoked.  Forget about your credit score; it is the invisible chain that keeps you in prison.  Refuse to pay debts that you know were fraudulently imposed. Remember, the banks never had the money they "lent" to you in the first place; they created it out of nothing to buy your servitude. If you are hesitant to simply quit paying the criminal banks, then learn how to reduce your exposure to all debts.

7. Create New Banking Systems - We have seen economic collapse taking down countries like dominoes across the third world, and now the first.  These money junkies cannot and will not stop.  It is up to us to develop systems which permit us to completely withdraw our support for the current system and shield us from manipulated collapses.  This may be the most productive way to break free from modern slavery; whether it's switching to local credit unions, storing precious metals instead of cash, engaging in barter systems or using alternative currencies, or supporting full-blown monetary reform.

8. Learn a Skill - Learn as many skills outside of your day job as possible.  This can be as simple as giving more attention to your hobbies like fishing, hunting, gardening, painting, blogging, tinkering on cars, building things, sewing, cooking, etc. Whatever useful skill you're most passionate about, learn more about it, become an expert at it, and acquire the necessary tools to start a side business with it. By doing this, you'll reduce the dependence on your job and find much more fulfillment in life.  Remember, skills are the only form of wealth that can't be taken from you. Additionally, form clubs or partnerships with your neighbors and share your skills and tools to form a stronger community that will be resistant to whatever the systems of control throw your way.

9. Boycott - Activists have enjoyed many recent victories through boycott, most notably the rapid removal of "pink slime" meat from major supermarket chains following public outcry once they became aware of the product.  It goes to show that the public still holds the power over corporations, but the masses must be educated before they're moved to action.  Not you though.  Readers of this post know exactly what companies to boycott and why. Start living your principles and follow through on your knowledge.  Voting with your dollars DOES work, but not if the aware crowd refuses to do it.

10. Taxes - Taxes are the most controversial of all -- the one that catches the most flak, so the one that must be most directly over the target. How do you feel knowing that money is extracted from you by force to be injected into systems around the world that create violence, rip apart cultures, and put us on a path of complete annihilation and self-destruction?  This is slave-like thinking in its highest form of denial.  No Constitution of any country anywhere in the world openly recognizes that it is lawful to forcefully extract money you have earned enslaving you for life to kill others with it, upon penalty of imprisonment. It's the final chain to be broken, and is admittedly the thickest.  But how can a machine be built without the funding to build it?  The entire prison system we see around us has been built with our own money. Did you authorize it? Did you authorize the preemptive wars, bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, the high-tech surveillance grid that enslaves you?

Significantly, these are all things you can do on your own.  You don't need to influence politicians, or ignite a mass protest, or wait for an uprising.  There is no cavalry coming. You are the change you seek. Get out there and become more self-reliant and the system will lose its grip on you.  If enough of us do this, the system will fall apart by its own unsustainable making.  Refuse to be a slave today and unchain others by sharing this article and implementing the tips on this list.

Did we miss anything?  Please offer your own guidelines for freedom in the comments section below

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 08:01:54 AM »
I read all of it.
I think there is a lot of good info and insight there.
Some of it I feel I am already doing; other parts I can begin to do now.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

                                   Patrick Henry

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 11:05:33 AM »
Maybe I have Hippie and Conservative all mixed up. 
 Lots of call for protest, lots of call for divesting ones self of personal possesions. Media and information, lets see, write a blog, a newsletter, radio show, You tube channel.  If I have limited knowledge on a subject I should spew my ignorance to the world. ::)  Make my own medicine, really? Where do I find a newt, a chicken foot and some turpintine? I' m getting a headache. Ah, I'll just roll up a Phatty and stop caring. ::)
We all know the best way to stick it to the man is to buy an absudly expensive solar array and get off the grid. I suppose wind turbines are an alternative for those near a constant wind source, or who schedule their lives around the wind. Stiff a banker because you bought a home you can not sell for a profit. Would it not be simpler to make loans illegal? If you can't pay cash on the barrelhead go away. Taxes too high ? well yes they are a bit over the top. I can think of few better uses than to build a prison though. Without those tax payer funded prisons where exactly do you plan to put those corrupt political looters? Where would you house the Wall Street crowd? What would you do with all the bankers, factory managers, lawyers, teachers, weapon system engineers? Come on Stalin, where would you put those folks? I suppose grave diggers got to eat just like stone masons and concrete finishers, right. ;)
I haven't read such a pile since I last picked up a campus newspaper.
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2012, 01:41:04 PM »
You seem to spend a considerable amount of time qustioning the proof as well.
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 01:18:57 AM »
  There is some there for me to agree with and some for me to leave untouched.  For example, shutting off the TV, growing more of your own food, producing as much of your own energy as you can and avoiding debt all makes sense.  On the other hand, refusing to repay a loan you took on the grounds that the bank you took it from somehow didn't have a right to the money they lent you sounds like stealing to me.

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 02:40:24 AM »
I wasn't too crazy about that one myself.  But then again, living debt free is one of the ones that I am already doing.
I think a good point that was made here, was that a "credit rating" is there to enslave you in a debt cycle.  I have no "credit rating".  Don't need or want one either.
I have no identity theft protection either.  One time we received a denied credit card application from a department store, in my wife's name.  Apparently, someone had attempted to use my wife's name.  But the attempt failed.  Not because we have bad credit, but because we have no credit.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

                                   Patrick Henry

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 02:43:56 AM »
You don't have to have a full blown $30,000 solar array to be off the grid.  Lots of alternatives.  Solar stoves (Iron Dutch oven with reflectors around it) for a slow cooker.  Wood stoves, paper pellets made by compressing old papers.  Semi underground home to cut heat and air conditioning.  Solar water heater.  Well water, septic system.  Using washing machine waste water to pump back to your toilets for gray water flushing.  Raising your own food.  Selling excess produce at farmers markets or trading with the other farmers for stuff they have.  Salting or sugar curing your own meat.  Smoking your own meat.  You can use hand mixers, hand can openers, etc instead of electric ones.  Doing all of this you can get by with just limited electricity for your refrigeration and freezing, LED lighting.  Having hardwood, tile, or lineolium flooring will eliminate a vacuum cleaner.  It can be done, it would just take time and work. 

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 10:25:23 AM »
You don't have to have a full blown $30,000 solar array to be off the grid.  Lots of alternatives.  Solar stoves (Iron Dutch oven with reflectors around it) for a slow cooker.  Wood stoves, paper pellets made by compressing old papers.  Semi underground home to cut heat and air conditioning.  Solar water heater.  Well water, septic system.  Using washing machine waste water to pump back to your toilets for gray water flushing.  Raising your own food.  Selling excess produce at farmers markets or trading with the other farmers for stuff they have.  Salting or sugar curing your own meat.  Smoking your own meat.  You can use hand mixers, hand can openers, etc instead of electric ones.  Doing all of this you can get by with just limited electricity for your refrigeration and freezing, LED lighting.  Having hardwood, tile, or lineolium flooring will eliminate a vacuum cleaner.  It can be done, it would just take time and work.
All true, sir, all true. For many of those things I find my time and labor is better spent at the job. It may not always be such though, and I do know how, and have done, many things due to limited income.
Does it make sense to spend a week felling trees, cutting wood, splitting it, and then stacking. Or does it make more sense to simply go to work an extra thirty hours overtime and call the propane company? I don't really enjoy splitting and stacking wood, I can and have done, it but I would certainly rather shift gears and stack pallets. Gas for the pickup truck is biting even further into the equation.
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2012, 11:49:40 AM »
I see your point.  Time and money are often interchangeable; we can usually trade one to reserve the other.  When we do something on our own, we have to consider things like; how much is my time worth, how much am I really saving on this, and do I hate or enjoy doing this myself.
But our government is deliberately forcing the rapid decline of our nation.  There has never been a situation quite like this in our history.
So there is another factor here besides having the right time and money balance.  There is a self reliance factor.  There may come a time, in the not so distant future, where we cannot buy propane at any price.  There may even come a time when the electricity goes out, and stays out.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

                                   Patrick Henry

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2012, 03:48:21 PM »
I see your point.  Time and money are often interchangeable; we can usually trade one to reserve the other.  When we do something on our own, we have to consider things like; how much is my time worth, how much am I really saving on this, and do I hate or enjoy doing this myself.
But our government is deliberately forcing the rapid decline of our nation.  There has never been a situation quite like this in our history.
So there is another factor here besides having the right time and money balance.  There is a self reliance factor.  There may come a time, in the not so distant future, where we cannot buy propane at any price.  There may even come a time when the electricity goes out, and stays out.
When that time arrives my stay in Mn. is over.
A: My job will be no more
B:There is not wood enough in this state to heat all the homes, especially down south.
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2012, 01:23:37 AM »
That is why I recommended building a semi-underground home.  Far less fuel is needed for heat and air conditioning.  Thus far less wood cutting and/or propane buying.  A typical semi-underground home can be built for about the same money as a traditonal home.  You only really need enough solar generation to keep refrigeration equipment and some lights on.  Normally only 3 hours of the frig or freezer running per day will keep things cool or frozen.  It doesn't have to run continuously.  You can make a solar oven out of aluminum foil and cardboard with a cast iron Dutch oven.  Slow cooker like a crock pot, but doable.  The guy I know who built a semi-underground home where I live could go through the winter only needing to light two or three fires in his fireplace during the winter.  Summers were hot and he did need to dehumidify and some air conditioning.  I think if he had built an air exchange system using duct work and fan connected to the outside, he could have kept his humidity down.  Even using a natural draw would have helped.  Then using fans would have helped eliminate the air conditioning needs.  I am in the deep south, thus when it gets into the 90's fans, shade, or air conditioning is needed.  It wasn't until the 20th century that people "needed" electricity.  In the 1890's there were a multitude of mechanical tools, devices, etc, from the kitchen to the farm field to help with labor.  By the 1920's and 1930's that had all changed.  Only a generation. 

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2012, 08:39:46 AM »
I've watched frost form on my basement walls 3' down. Granted that is likely warmer than 3' up.
Being as how you are located in the deep south, I'm going to guess you can't appreciate cold weather. When winter sets in hard I will get into the freezer compartment on my semi to get out of the weather. Heck of a note when -5 feels pretty nice. I have no use for over 90 temps and feel winter is a small price to pay to get away from the heat.
Lots of heat in wood though. Warms you while cutting, warms while splitting, warms while stacking and again when burned. ;)  Lousy gas is a one time use. ;D
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2012, 01:28:57 AM »
Here in the south, our frost line is 3-6".  3' of depth, it is 60 degrees year round.  I calculate natural gas flows and in our area 60 degrees is used for the gas temperature.  Lower temperature is more concentrated and more btu's per cubic ft.  Anyways, I know in the lower mid-west at 5' of depth, it is 60 degrees.  However using and earth bermed or semi-underground will cut heating and cooling costs since deeper in the ground the temperture remains constant.  Lots of dense foam type insulation and smaller windows will also help.  Normally a 10 acre woodlot can provide year round wood for heating and cooking.  In the old days 40 acres and a mule could provide for a family.  10 acre woodlot, 10 acre pasture for milk cow and draft animals, and for providing hay, 5 acres for home, barn, hen house, pig pen, 5 acres for fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardening.  The remaining 10 acres could be any number of things for a cash crop animals or firewood.  Usually enough produce, eggs, milk, butter, firewood, hay, corn, cotton, wheat, etc, could be sold for cash to pay property taxes or order something out of a Sears catalogue. 
Usually homesteading is the only real way to be completely off the grid.  Using the above methods with a more modern constructed home and farm buildings one could get by with probably half or less acreage.  A jersey cow can provide 2 gallons of milk per day.  The gernsey cows (black and white) can provide 8 gallons.  A good milk goat can provide 1 gallon, but eats far less.  Using a combination of solar, wind, and firewood, combined with a semi underground home, one can get off the grid.  Having enough land to garden and provide corn and wheat, maybe some animals, one can be totally independent. 
Taking the ideas a step further, one could use corn to make alcohol, or soybeans to make biodiesel to run engines.  Using a biogas trapper instead of a septic tank, a family can make enough gas to cook with year round.  Solar water heater and solar heat using hot water for the home.  No need for firewood. 
Buying this equipment is and can be expensive.  However making it yourself in some spare time can yeild payoffs.  Just using metal garbage cans painted black, installed on a platform above ground, filling with water, and underneath have a solar shower, one could shower from spring to fall outside. 
In 1890 90% of Americans were on self sufficient farms, small to large.  One had to work from daylight to dark 6 days a week to live.  No electricity, no running water (some did have with windmills pumping it up to above ground tanks to provide gravity plumbing).  Lots of mechanical tools, steam tractors.  Even when Henry Ford made his first Model T, they ran off alcohol because most Americans lived on farms and he figured farmers could make their own alcohol to run them.  They had adaptations to plow and jacking one up could use power to run a small saw mill, a washing machine or other stationary machine work.  Rockafella with Standard oil had just started making gasoline and got with Ford to make them run gasoline for city use. 
I think we should learn how to be self sufficient as much as possible, even in hobby form, because if TSHTF, we would be able to survive because of our knowledge, along with groups like us to provide protection for each other.         

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2012, 05:25:12 PM »
Here in the south, our frost line is 3-6".  3' of depth, it is 60 degrees year round.  I calculate natural gas flows and in our area 60 degrees is used for the gas temperature.  Lower temperature is more concentrated and more btu's per cubic ft.  Anyways, I know in the lower mid-west at 5' of depth, it is 60 degrees.  However using and earth bermed or semi-underground will cut heating and cooling costs since deeper in the ground the temperture remains constant.  Lots of dense foam type insulation and smaller windows will also help.  Normally a 10 acre woodlot can provide year round wood for heating and cooking.  In the old days 40 acres and a mule could provide for a family.  10 acre woodlot, 10 acre pasture for milk cow and draft animals, and for providing hay, 5 acres for home, barn, hen house, pig pen, 5 acres for fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardening.  The remaining 10 acres could be any number of things for a cash crop animals or firewood.  Usually enough produce, eggs, milk, butter, firewood, hay, corn, cotton, wheat, etc, could be sold for cash to pay property taxes or order something out of a Sears catalogue. 
Usually homesteading is the only real way to be completely off the grid.  Using the above methods with a more modern constructed home and farm buildings one could get by with probably half or less acreage.  A jersey cow can provide 2 gallons of milk per day.  The gernsey cows (black and white) can provide 8 gallons.  A good milk goat can provide 1 gallon, but eats far less.  Using a combination of solar, wind, and firewood, combined with a semi underground home, one can get off the grid.  Having enough land to garden and provide corn and wheat, maybe some animals, one can be totally independent. 
Taking the ideas a step further, one could use corn to make alcohol, or soybeans to make biodiesel to run engines.  Using a biogas trapper instead of a septic tank, a family can make enough gas to cook with year round.  Solar water heater and solar heat using hot water for the home.  No need for firewood. 
Buying this equipment is and can be expensive.  However making it yourself in some spare time can yeild payoffs.  Just using metal garbage cans painted black, installed on a platform above ground, filling with water, and underneath have a solar shower, one could shower from spring to fall outside. 
In 1890 90% of Americans were on self sufficient farms, small to large.  One had to work from daylight to dark 6 days a week to live.  No electricity, no running water (some did have with windmills pumping it up to above ground tanks to provide gravity plumbing).  Lots of mechanical tools, steam tractors.  Even when Henry Ford made his first Model T, they ran off alcohol because most Americans lived on farms and he figured farmers could make their own alcohol to run them.  They had adaptations to plow and jacking one up could use power to run a small saw mill, a washing machine or other stationary machine work.  Rockafella with Standard oil had just started making gasoline and got with Ford to make them run gasoline for city use. 
I think we should learn how to be self sufficient as much as possible, even in hobby form, because if TSHTF, we would be able to survive because of our knowledge, along with groups like us to provide protection for each other.         
For my purposes you are describing the difference between surviving and thriving. If the idealic scene you describe were all that appealing why would we be where we are today? Again there is the difference between what can be done and what I would rather do.
Those who live in the above described manner and enjoy the self sufficiency, I'm happy for them, God bless them. For me right now, I like the extras that modern life provides. I enjoy traveling to different locals to hunt and fish. I enjoy my baubles, lord knows I need another gun like a fish needs a bicycle, but I do enjoy them. The rat race does wear on me and I have slowed down my work schedule by about 30%.
I enjoy your insights and it does remind me I could cut back further and not wither completely.
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2012, 02:04:25 AM »
In 1890 90% of Americans lived on farms or ranches.  No electricity, no utilities, well or spring water.  With the mass production of cars, expansion of electricity to homes in cities, natural gas piped to homes, indoor plumbing, mass production of electrical appliances like fans, refrigerators etc.   Utilities were cheap and pay was decent in the factories.  By 1940 only 40% of Americans lived on farms or ranches.  60% were in cities and small towns working in factories making all kinds of things, and had a 40 hour workweek.  After WWII this expanded further.  Small farms went under first as larger farms could by the new tractors even smaller cheaper tractors than the steam tractors.  Co-ops were formed by smaller farmers to share larger equipment.  Food became mass produced and cheap. 
Now after 100 years of using fossil fuels, prices of fuel and utilities have increased.  We are also very far removed from the self sufficiency lifestyle that our grandparents and great grandparents knew.  Yes it was hard, but I think they were happier.  Today we have bills to pay and if we don't we have bill collectors hounding us.  Government is trying to make us dependent on them so they can control us.  You may can make more money now by working, or working overtime and pay for everything.  What happens when there is a total colapse?  Most will NOT know how to survive.  Kids today don't cook.  They use a microwave and prepared foods from the store or they eat out.  They don't know how to can, cure or smoke meat, clean a deer, clean fish.  They couldn't start a fire without a lighter or match.  They don't have the survival tools needed to live without utilities like something simple as an axe, saw. 
I think an off grid life style is achieveable using a combination of old and new technology starting with the way you build your home.  With small scale solar and wind equipment, one can get the minimum needs met for refrigeration and using LED lights can just sip electricity.  No need for candles and kerosene lamps.  The biggest problem is transportation fuel.  It would take a lot of corn or soybeans to make alcohol or biodiesel.  It is doable.  This may require long term storage.  Diesel would be easier for long term.  Kerosene for lights can also be stored indefinately.  One can forfeit vacations and use the money for prepping and buying tools and equipment for living off grid. 
Our country has become socialist and crony capitalist.  This is the way of Nazi Germany.  It is dangerous to let the government get so big.  Don't get suckered in by "no interest for 12 months" credit cards and give the banks more control also.  We have anti-monopoly laws that are not enforced.  Why let banks, oil companies, etc, get so big they are "too big to fail".  More smaller companies would give us more competition, better prices like it was in the 50's and 60's.  That way if one company gets in bad shape and fails, it wouldn't affect so many people.  More local and regional banks would give us more choices and better service.  Lots of things our country could do. 
We only have two major aircraft companies where we once had about 10.  We also once had many car companies, now only three American owned, and two are owned by the government.  In the late 60's congress was considering splitting GM into Cheverolet and the rest since they had 70% of the market with Ford 20% and Chrysler 10%.  They split up AT&T. 
Now today I'm afraid we have gone too far into socialism and being self sufficient is harder, but it can be done and I am trying to get my house in order.  Hope everyone here is trying also.   

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2012, 02:20:39 AM »
I have considered cutting down on the number of guns I own to simplify, and having more ammo for the ones left.  I have 10 different calibers that can a deer or other big game.  I have 5 different caliber handguns.  My wife wants me to keep them for barter in case of society breakdown.  I think there are other things I would rather barter like toilet paper, food, etc.  I think one can live very cheaply using a combination of old and new technology. 
Old, a simple windmill can draw well water up to a tower for storage and pressure for New indoor plumbing.
Old, A wood stove that can open to see a fire can be astetically pleasing and can heat and cook. 
New LED lights are better than the sqiggley ones or the old ones with far less electrical use.  One doesn't have to change them all out at once.  By one
a week or month and gradually change them out. 
One can seperate the washing machine water and collect it and pump it back to toilets for graywater flushing and cut water use in half. 
One can get just enough solar panels to provide power for refrigeration and freezers and some lighting and not have to power the whole house at once. 
One can use hardwood, tile, or lineoleum flooring to eliminate the vacuum cleaner.  Throw rugs can be used that can be taken outside and shook or beaten with a broom to get the dust and dirt out.  Some can be washed.  Taking shoes off at the door and going barefoot or use house shoes or socks can eliminate dirt and have less cleaning.
Using window fans, ceiling fans and portable fans can cut back on air conditioning use.
Lots of things one can do. 
There are two ways of doing things, cutting back and finding alternatives to become more self sufficient and off grid, or making more money. 
Making more money is the rat race and a bad economy doesn't help.  Getting more education isn't paying off today.  Having skills and trades will and are and becoming more self sufficient does pay in a bad economy.

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2012, 02:44:05 AM »
Some good stuff there.  And I strongly agree with your final points.
More money in the rat race is usually not the answer.  Spend less money on nonsense, and use your extra time to get your home and affairs in order.  Get organized, and squared away.  They cannot put a tax on this.
Also life skills are far more valuable than college degrees.  These degrees are often nothing more than leftist indoctrinations anyway.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

                                   Patrick Henry

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2012, 03:00:09 AM »
   10 ways to become a conservative;
10) Note the taxes removed from your weekly paycheck.
9) See a friend have to give the feds 55% of the value he built up, rather that to ghive it all to his kids.
8) Notice how much taxes are paid on every gallon of gas or diesel.
7) See loudmouth rioters get their wishes fulfilled, even when they are unjust.
6) Notice how the local welfare queens and their offspring enjoy their beer, cigarettes, lottery, casinos and "clubs".
5) Realize that government workers get paid on average, 35% more than their civilian counterpart.
4) Witness more $1,000,000 Las Vegas parties by givernment agencies..on OUR DIME.
3) Observe more Solyndras, Fiscar cars, failed stimulus bills or Fast & Furious programs.
2) Have the "global warming" scam close down more corporations, public lands, cost us billion$$ per year and kill initiative.
       Andthe#1reason for becoming a conservative...
1)  Get mugged !
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2012, 07:43:03 AM »
The fact that banks really don't lend anyone any real 'money' is so illogical as to defy belief for most people.   
The fact that we have to repay real money for phony money loans to the banks near total profit is the reason banks are so ready to 'loan' money and issue 'pre-approved' credit cards to encourage even more debt.  That's why our economy is built on an economic house of cards and is subject to collapse greater than most people can conceive.  But we can't stop the coming defaults that will leave only those few really big banks that are inside the Federal Reserve family from owning everything the nation has presumed is ours! 
The massive public rage that will follow total economic collapse and exposure of the credit fraud that has been played on us is the kind of stuff that leads to bloody revolutions which just might wipe out the real big-time money manipulator classes.  I'm sure they think they will retain control of governments and standing military that will protect them from attackers but I question that, all of the military will have family and friends that will be opposed to the powers that be ao a LOT of the military will turn their guns around.
Common sense is an uncommon virtue

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2012, 03:51:23 AM »
I like the old self-sufficient ways myself, but the convenience of modern times is a thing I'm gonna take advantage of until it collapses.  I don't want to wash clothes in the creek and use oil lamps and save bath water.  I want to turn on all the electric lights and have my garbage picked up at the street, buy gasoline for my truck, set the house a/c on 68 degrees in the summer and the heat at 74 in the winter.  If it's available, I want it.  I'll happily pay for it. 
That said, I can clearly see that the gov't is speedily headed for disaster.  Lights out.  Water off.  Heat and cooling off.  Gasoline unavailable.  Chaos everywhere.  But it ain't happened yet, so until it does, I'm using the good things aggressively.   

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2012, 07:38:37 AM »
Easiest confirmation that you are a conservative: don't think through an issue, but assume you're already right when you parrot the sentiments of your favorite echo-chamber.

You have arrived!
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2012, 12:24:13 PM »
If you have to "become" a conservative, you are already lost.  You'll never make it.  Your thought patterns are a tangle of liberal views that can never be repaired.  You will vote for Obama.   

Offline ironglow

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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2012, 01:37:46 AM »
Easiest confirmation that you are a conservative: don't think through an issue, but assume you're already right when you parrot the sentiments of your favorite echo-chamber.

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         YT3...Do you mean like this ?
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      10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'  « on: May 25, 2012, 05:06:55 PM »    10 ways to start becoming a real conservative for tomorrow's      from    TM7
.Thursday, May 24, 2012   
10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control     
Freedom - Wiki image
Activist Post .

There are very real conspiracies in the world, and those conspiracies are always conducted by people "in the know" against those who are ignorant or naive of backroom machinations.

Past slavery was largely based on force (thus was much more obvious), but modern-day slavery is actually more widespread because global slave masters use all of the scientific tools at their disposal to win hearts and control minds, convincing us that our hands and feet are free, so we must be living self-directed lives.

There are signs that the mind-pyramids that technocrats have built to enforce their 21st-century global plantation slave system are crumbling as they press harder upon our cognitive ability to make sense of words and actions.  The owners of the shoulders on which the structure of tyranny is supported are beginning to leave in droves. The pyramids are falling as slaves begin to recognize their unconscious effort, and consciously encourage others to find a different line of work.

Here are 10 ways that you can help collapse all of the pyramids of control.

Anthony Freda Art
1. Media and Intelligence - Information is knowledge and knowledge is power -- this is where it all starts.  Turn off the TV, stop passively receiving information that turns you into an idiot at the teat of the "idiot box."  Get creative: start a blog, a neighborhood newsletter, radio show, public access TV or YouTube channel, write encouraging letters to companies you appreciate and nasty ones to those you boycott; DO something; anything to increase awareness.  Homeschooling is another great way to help short circuit the negative influences of systematic programming. Even if you don't agree with homeschooling, or are not able, there are concepts that you can help introduce into your public school to enhance education. Intelligence - there are technologies to thwart constant surveillance, as well as low-tech solutions to high-tech tyranny. The Internet is being used to surveil the public, but it also provides an opportunity for the public to surveil and report the real criminals. Use the system against itself.

  2. Health and Agriculture - Why do tyrannical systems always move to declare methods of independence such as farming, vitamins, raw milk, and natural medication like cannabis as underground contraband systems that threaten the health of society?  Clearly because this is a cornerstone of freedom.  Learn to make your own medicines, trade on the underground, support other states (and countries) who have embraced food freedom, and stand your ground by forming local community resistance against food and health tyranny.  Moreover, simply making your mind and body stronger by pursuing what is natural and healthy will give you more power to challenge the system in every other way.

3. Energy and Technology - Support true economic development and pursue open source solutions to all technological problems that can affect humanity on the widest scale. These are the technologies that have been suppressed in the past, their creators destroyed; but now there are too many people pursuing goals to free humanity.  Embrace innovation and technology, but only as it leads to self-empowerment, self-determination, and genuinely helps the human and environmental condition. There are reportedly many free-energy patents being kept from the public.  These technologies can't be kept secret forever as long as the Internet remains free and open.  Support all efforts to maintain Internet freedom and the right to pursue innovation.

4. Mobility and Flexibility - Always be willing to adapt and move.  The structure of tyranny might be global, but there are always pockets of freedom that tyranny ignores -- normally based on economic interest.  Become adaptable, don't buy into the "American Dream" of having possessions to define your self-worth.  Once you discard the unimportant things, look for specific towns, states, or countries to escape economic decline and those which promote freedom. It's a difficult decision to pick up and move, especially when extended family comes into play, but discuss your ideas and the evidence for your concerns openly and honestly, and be the first to pioneer the building of a new future -- if things begin to collapse in earnest, you will soon be sought after by those who once doubted your "crazy" reasoning.

5. Prepare for the Worst - Along the same lines as being mobile and flexible, make sure that you store enough supplies to get through a few months or more of tough times.  The current system relies on your dependence and they can easily control those who live just-in-time lifestyles. Most people don't realize how much they "need" the system until something like a blizzard knocks out their power and wipes out the grocery store shelves.  It's wise to store back-up food, have the ability to produce food, gather tools and other items needed during power outages or other disasters, and actively pursue any and all other survival prepping and self-sufficiency techniques.

6. Refuse to Pay Unjust Debt - This is a moral decision based on the information that much of what was created to be a "loan" was based on a predatory system.  As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and that is duly noted, but when confronted with an enemy that has deliberately contrived devious ways to steal productivity and the fruits of honest labor, then the principle of justifiable self-defense is invoked.  Forget about your credit score; it is the invisible chain that keeps you in prison.  Refuse to pay debts that you know were fraudulently imposed. Remember, the banks never had the money they "lent" to you in the first place; they created it out of nothing to buy your servitude. If you are hesitant to simply quit paying the criminal banks, then learn how to reduce your exposure to all debts.

7. Create New Banking Systems - We have seen economic collapse taking down countries like dominoes across the third world, and now the first.  These money junkies cannot and will not stop.  It is up to us to develop systems which permit us to completely withdraw our support for the current system and shield us from manipulated collapses.  This may be the most productive way to break free from modern slavery; whether it's switching to local credit unions, storing precious metals instead of cash, engaging in barter systems or using alternative currencies, or supporting full-blown monetary reform.

8. Learn a Skill - Learn as many skills outside of your day job as possible.  This can be as simple as giving more attention to your hobbies like fishing, hunting, gardening, painting, blogging, tinkering on cars, building things, sewing, cooking, etc. Whatever useful skill you're most passionate about, learn more about it, become an expert at it, and acquire the necessary tools to start a side business with it. By doing this, you'll reduce the dependence on your job and find much more fulfillment in life.  Remember, skills are the only form of wealth that can't be taken from you. Additionally, form clubs or partnerships with your neighbors and share your skills and tools to form a stronger community that will be resistant to whatever the systems of control throw your way.

9. Boycott - Activists have enjoyed many recent victories through boycott, most notably the rapid removal of "pink slime" meat from major supermarket chains following public outcry once they became aware of the product.  It goes to show that the public still holds the power over corporations, but the masses must be educated before they're moved to action.  Not you though.  Readers of this post know exactly what companies to boycott and why. Start living your principles and follow through on your knowledge.  Voting with your dollars DOES work, but not if the aware crowd refuses to do it.

10. Taxes - Taxes are the most controversial of all -- the one that catches the most flak, so the one that must be most directly over the target. How do you feel knowing that money is extracted from you by force to be injected into systems around the world that create violence, rip apart cultures, and put us on a path of complete annihilation and self-destruction?  This is slave-like thinking in its highest form of denial.  No Constitution of any country anywhere in the world openly recognizes that it is lawful to forcefully extract money you have earned enslaving you for life to kill others with it, upon penalty of imprisonment. It's the final chain to be broken, and is admittedly the thickest.  But how can a machine be built without the funding to build it?  The entire prison system we see around us has been built with our own money. Did you authorize it? Did you authorize the preemptive wars, bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, the high-tech surveillance grid that enslaves you?

Significantly, these are all things you can do on your own.  You don't need to influence politicians, or ignite a mass protest, or wait for an uprising.  There is no cavalry coming. You are the change you seek. Get out there and become more self-reliant and the system will lose its grip on you.  If enough of us do this, the system will fall apart by its own unsustainable making.  Refuse to be a slave today and unchain others by sharing this article and implementing the tips on this list.

Did we miss anything?  Please offer your own guidelines 
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Re: 10 Ways to Become a 'Conservative'
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2012, 01:47:34 AM »
Key characteristic of so-called conservatives nowadays is to create enemies ane define themselves by their enemies, or those they don't approve; and always be intervening. Meanwhile, more true conservatism deals with the art and science of mitigation; by asking questions and thru critical analysis, avoiding hubris and radical agendi.
     Does that mean we must create enemies like GWOT, the illuminati, NWO, the Bush and Rumsfeld or Dick cheney;
That they need to create enemies such as the Koch bros, Romney, Bible believers, Teavangelicals and values voters ?
  Perhaps we can pick out for special hatred..Jews..and Christians who consider Jews as human, "Zionists" etc..   
Even if we learn to hate these groups..should we refrain from "intervening" with what they have to say ?  ;)   ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)