Author Topic: i don't care who?  (Read 5150 times)

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Online ironglow

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #90 on: March 23, 2012, 12:56:18 AM »
wins the nomination but we have to get obama, pelosi and feinstein and the rest of radicals out of office, the only way vote republican
     We went far afield...Let's get back to the real subject of the thread (above)...
  Putting all the hogwash aside, there is one simple way to solve many of our problems.  Drill here, drill now and place a small excise tax on every barrel which is exported, which can be adjusted to control the export spigot. Then take those monies to give incentives or tax breaks to encourage HONEST efforts at alternatives.
   That way we would have energy independence and not be sending our national wealth to people who want to murder us.  Two problems knocked out with a single bullet..
  Frankly, I would vote for a TURNIP to replace Obama...  Sure a turnip wouldn't do anything; but that would be a huge relief from all the damage Obama has been doing to our country !!
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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #91 on: March 23, 2012, 01:16:28 AM »
“I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time, for us to encourage the use of more gasoline.  I’m very much in favor of people recognizing that these high gasoline prices are probably here to stay.”  - Mitt Romney, May 2006 in reference to lieutenant governor Kerry Healey (a fellow Republican) calling for suspending the state’s 23.5 cent gas tax.
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #92 on: March 23, 2012, 02:55:51 AM »
Let me make it clear, I voted for Ron Paul.  However, Romney probably back in 2006 was/and is right.  Gas prices have risen and have not got below $2 in several years. 
There ARE alternatives:
1) Compressed natural gas.  There are about 6,000-8,000 refueling stations in America now, but they are in big cities and are primarily used by city buses, school buses, garbage trucks, natural gas companies, some UPS trucks, and a few others.  There are about 500,000 gasoline stations in America.  More CNG stations need to be installed.  My company is trying to get them installed but we are running into a brick wall with the oil companies stations.  Private stations will let us install them, but they don't want to pay the $200,000 for a compressor.  If they spent just a fraction of what they are giving solar companies, either with tax credits, or subsities, we could get the infrastructure at just about every gas station.  Natural gas is less than $2.00 a gallon equivelant gasoline.  All car companies can make a CNG car or truck for about the same price as gasoline off the assembly line.  Oh, and supply is 100 years now already tapped.  More coming.
2) Algae, this is what Obama is pushing.  Problem is algae oil costs about $4-$5 to produce not counting the highway tax.  This is why Obama wants gas prices to go up to over $5, so he can push this.  Problem is, to produce enough algae, it will require greenhouses to grow it.  They would have to cover an area the size of Rhode Island to replace the oil based gas.  It will also take longer to get the infrastructure in place, than just installing compressors at stations, as (1) above.  Land, buildings, enough water supply, just to get started.  This is what will ultimately replace oil WHEN the cost of gas gets around $7/gallon.  I don't think that is happening any time soon.  People will riot. 
3) Hydrogen, no infrastructure.  Will take as much as 20-30 years to just put the infrastructure in place.  Liquid hydrogen is -400+/- degrees.  It will take a lot of electricity to make it and keep it cold.  Not practical.
4) Electric, have to recharge in 8 hours and can only go about 50 miles on a charge, not practical yet.  The vehicle will cost more than (1) or (2) above.
5) Coal oil.  Synthetic diesel and gasoline can be made from our abundant supply (800 years).  Gasification costs are about $4-5/gallon without tax.  This is also a "fossil fuel" and no subsities to build the gasification plants. 
So, bottom line, natural gas is a "fossil fuel", even though it is much cleaner burning than gas or diesel, the pipelines are in most of the country, only taps for the compressor stations and the stations need to be installed.  The auto makers said they can make the vehicles now, but not enough infrastructure is in place.  So they only make trucks or buses for fleets on special orders, but can easily gear up for more.  Fueling at a cng station will only take about 15 minutes vs 6-8 hours for an electric or hybrid.  CNG is the fastest way to get off foreign oil.  Start with fed, state, city, and county vehicles first to get station owners to put in CNG stations.  This would be about 25% of Americas vehicles.  Once they are on CNG, imported oil will drop by 40%.  Then gasoline prices will really drop because of competition. 
But the current administration has no clue, or they want to push socialism.  They have these pie in the sky ideas of electric cars running around the country, with all the electricity made from solar panels and windmills.  Ain't going to happen.  Solar panels deteriorate over time due to dust etching the glass, thus over about 15 years, they loose half their capacity.  Takes fossil fuel to make them.  Windmills are the same.  Where wind is plentiful, some have already been blown over by high winds and tornados.  If they build them tornado proof, they would cost twice as much, thus not cost effective.  They also have to be maintained.  They also kill a lot of migratory birds.  Most power use is east of the Mississippi, but the wind is not consistant where it is needed most.  So coal 40%, natural gas 25%, nuclear 25%, and hydro 10% is the main means of electric production.  Nuclear is less expensive than a clean coal plant, natural gas is less expensive than all.  15 years ago, there were virtually no natural gas power plants outside Texas.  Today they are popping up everywhere.  So, almost all new power plants are natural gas.  I think we need to use coal and nukes for power, save the natural gas for fuel to replace gasoline.  No imports, all money stays in the US. 

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #93 on: March 23, 2012, 03:13:17 AM »
If someone could just figure out how to harness all the hot air in D.C. and state capitals, we'd have an abundance of energy.  And it should qualify as "green."

Online ironglow

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #94 on: March 23, 2012, 03:18:52 AM »
“I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time, for us to encourage the use of more gasoline.  I’m very much in favor of people recognizing that these high gasoline prices are probably here to stay.”  - Mitt Romney, May 2006 in reference to lieutenant governor Kerry Healey (a fellow Republican) calling for suspending the state’s 23.5 cent gas tax.
  If Romney said that in early 2006..he may well have been "spot on" .  Prices at that time were hovering around $2.10-$2.30 per gallon.
    NOTE: Here we are again straying from the original post in this thread, which was;
    i don't care who?
    « on: March 15, 2012, 04:51:35 PM » 
  wins the nomination but we have to get obama, pelosi and feinstein and the rest of radicals out of office, the only way vote republican 
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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #95 on: March 23, 2012, 04:16:37 AM »
Well, we can't have straying from a topic, can we?

If Dr Paul doesn't get in, might as well keep Obama or Romney. With Obama, maybe we'll get a little less bellicosity, but he'll upset the religious wingnuts.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #96 on: March 23, 2012, 04:25:21 AM »
He will also move us further to socialism than Romney would.  I think Romney could get the economy back running.  It's obvious Obama doesn't like capitalism, except crony capitalism.  Romney is not tied to either oil or green energy.  So, he might can actually get some legislation through to work. 

Online ironglow

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #97 on: March 23, 2012, 11:25:35 AM »
Well, we can't have straying from a topic, can we?

If Dr Paul doesn't get in, might as well keep Obama or Romney. With Obama, maybe we'll get a little less bellicosity, but he'll upset the religious wingnuts.
   Dr Paul has some interesting angles, but there is one factor which I believe is preventing him from gaining wider acceptance !
    Are you ready for it ?
   Think back; do you recall the dogged devotion of the followers of David Koresh and Jim Jones?  In their eyes, these guys walked upon water and could do nothing but miracles.  Did we ever hear a Jones follower say; " He may be a bit off in his assessment of the congressman coming to visit" ?  Did we ever hear of Koresh's followers admit that "his eschatology may be a tiny bit off" ? 
  This kind of dogged devotion, causes many people to be wary.
   In all due respect..some of us see that same psychology at work with many in Paul's ranks, so some are not likely to commit.
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Offline Casull

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #98 on: March 23, 2012, 12:35:17 PM »
but he'll upset the religious wingnuts.

That's ok.  He'll have the complete support of the non-religious wingnuts.
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Offline yellowtail3

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #99 on: March 23, 2012, 04:53:54 PM »
Yhink back; do you recall the dogged devotion of the followers of David Koresh and Jim Jones?
No, I don't have any memory of that, by the time I'd heard of either, they were infamous and dead (or under siege, in the case of Koresh).
In their eyes, these guys walked upon water and could do nothing but miracles.  Did we ever hear a Jones follower say; " He may be a bit off in his assessment of the congressman coming to visit" ?  Did we ever hear of Koresh's followers admit that "his eschatology may be a tiny bit off" ? 
No, never heard of, or anything from, Jones' peeps until after the deaths in Jonestown. As for Koresh,.. never heard anything about  him, until after the ATF screwed up their Dynamic Entry Drama, and so never heard any of his people.

But I get your point; you'd like it known you consider Paul's supporters to be nutty, and so easily dismissed.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Online ironglow

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #100 on: March 23, 2012, 11:38:15 PM »
Yhink back; do you recall the dogged devotion of the followers of David Koresh and Jim Jones?
No, I don't have any memory of that, by the time I'd heard of either, they were infamous and dead (or under siege, in the case of Koresh). Both during and after the seige at Waco, Members not caught up in the actual armed attack on the compound were talking. Likely you were not getting your information from well rounded sources. If you had you would likely remember it
In their eyes, these guys walked upon water and could do nothing but miracles.  Did we ever hear a Jones follower say; " He may be a bit off in his assessment of the congressman coming to visit" ?  Did we ever hear of Koresh's followers admit that "his eschatology may be a tiny bit off" ? 
I am frankly, quite surprised lack your lack of historical context.  Congressman Ryan made his fateful trip to Jonestown primarily at the request of relatives and family members who were concerned for, and described the dogged devotion to their chosen prophet. No, never heard of, or anything from, Jones' peeps until after the deaths in Jonestown. As for Koresh,.. never heard anything about  him, until after the ATF screwed up their Dynamic Entry Drama, and so never heard any of his people. Really; you must broaden your news intake...I think most here of the necessary age..realize the almost slavish worship these two guys demanded of their followers.

But I get your point; you'd like it known you consider Paul's supporters to be nutty, and so easily dismissed. Obviously you HAVEN'T gotten my point !  As I said earlier, Paul has some good ideas and not all his backers are wearing blinders and check-reins...but enough are doing so, that some on the fence are hesitant to commit...
  As I said;... Are you ready ? ....Obviously you weren't.. ;)   ;D
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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #101 on: March 24, 2012, 02:28:30 AM »
I think most here of the necessary age..realize the almost slavish worship these two guys demanded of their followers.
I think I qualify in the age dept.(68) Jones had a cult following of around a (dedicated) thousand people.[/font][/size]
I don't really think we can compare the numbers in this country that support a Constitutional candidate for president,both Christian or non-Christian to that radical, misguided bunch of people.Sort of the same thing with Koresh.........But as we all know(or should)  had a little different outcome.[/font]
[/size]I wouldn't think people in the USA that adhere to the Constitution would be labeled a worshiping cult!
[/size]Most of us that support Paul are Republican voters that are tired of Liberals taking over the party and want to see it returned to the platform it's supposed to represent. It's apparent to us, the GOP and DNC are in cahoots and are leaning toward a New World Order.I'm even talking to lifetime Democrat voters around my neck of the woods that would vote for RP if he were the nominee.Some of us have been awake for some time now, and more and more are doing so. "We do  care who". That's why we support a real Constitutional Republican like Paul. I don't see how any sane, rational person could see a similarity between  supporters in this cause, to a loony handful of people who gave their lives and those of their children to follow someone like them. :-[
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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #102 on: March 24, 2012, 03:16:54 AM »
old RP, besides being a liberal spender, is courting the young voters  and those liberals who like to do dope, by inferring that he would legalize drugs if elected.
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Online ironglow

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #103 on: March 24, 2012, 03:35:55 AM »
I think most here of the necessary age..realize the almost slavish worship these two guys demanded of their followers.
I think I qualify in the age dept.(68) Jones had a cult following of around a (dedicated) thousand people.
I don't really think we can compare the numbers in this country that support a Constitutional candidate for president,both Christian or non-Christian to that radical, misguided bunch of people.Sort of the same thing with Koresh.........But as we all know(or should)  had a little different outcome.

I wouldn't think people in the USA that adhere to the Constitution would be labeled a worshiping cult!
Most of us that support Paul are Republican voters that are tired of Liberals taking over the party and want to see it returned to the platform it's supposed to represent. It's apparent to us, the GOP and DNC are in cahoots and are leaning toward a New World Order.I'm even talking to lifetime Democrat voters around my neck of the woods that would vote for RP if he were the nominee.Some of us have been awake for some time now, and more and more are doing so. "We do  care who". That's why we support a real Constitutional Republican like Paul. I don't see how any sane, rational person could see a similarity between  supporters in this cause, to a loony handful of people who gave their lives and those of their children to follow someone like them. :-[

  As I explained earlier, I'm not speaking of ALL Ron Paul supporters, but rather just those who have made a cult -following of it.
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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #104 on: March 24, 2012, 04:20:08 AM »
Its hate that is destorying our country right now not Obama, some people have so much hate in them they aren,t thinking
straight anymore.

Offline mcbammer

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #105 on: March 24, 2012, 07:00:18 AM »
Its hate that is destorying our country right now not Obama, some people have so much hate in them they aren,t thinking
straight anymore.
Not   only   hate  .   A  complete   disgust   &   distrust   in  government.

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #106 on: March 24, 2012, 07:02:01 AM »
Even if it means voting in a man who has the exact same principles as Barry.

Really?  Do you think he shares obama's abhorence of pursuing our own oil supplies?  Do you think he would appoint the same type of individuals to the SCOTUS?  Do you think he has the same disdain for capitalism as obama?  OF COURSE NOT.  But, according to some here, if they share similar patterns with regard to TWO areas, they are EXACTLY the same.  I say BS!!!!!!!
Ya, But Mitt already has national healthcare in his state, which he sent some of his boys to DC to help with Obomacare. Mitt has some of the strongest gun control laws in his state. Mitt also don't have anytime on the National, world stage. So I don't really know how he will do. Oboma is up 15% in the polls in this election year as the economy gets stronger. I am not a fan of either. I won't  vote for the less of two evils, you want my vote you earn it.

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #107 on: March 24, 2012, 07:12:29 AM »

A tea party candidate will never have a chance. Way to conservative for the voting majority. Like it or not that is the reality of it.
Maybe not but they are sitting on $75 million for the 3rd party candidate
this year. They have risen on the political scale in this country 1000% fold in the last 5 years. If not this election, then next they will be at the debates. People want another party plan and simple. Everywhere you read "lesser of two evils"
  Americans Elect 2012 presidential run: The third-party group has cash, but no candidateRead more:

Offline R.W.Dale

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Re: i don't care who?
« Reply #108 on: April 18, 2012, 10:54:06 PM »
I believe at this point its pretty obvious to all but the most delusional yellow dog Republicans  that Romney is going to lose this election.

I say rather than vote for the lesser of two evils whose loss is all but ordained we put forth an effort to make this candidate loose to such a degree it either destroys the Republican party or at least sends a clear message that we will not tolerate mediocrity.