I'm not so sure about the design of the 03 being developed to circumvent Mauser design issues as the US had to pay Mauser for patent infrictions. However, as for your feed problem, your rifle may need a new magazine spring. The follower is designed to orient the cartridge to the feed ramp so that by manipulating the bolt the cartridge slides into the chamber unfettered. The magazine spring is supposed to bring the follower up and into position so the chambering process is smooth. Your magazine spring may be old and weak. I would pull the spring and just stretch it first and see if that helps - if it does, then get some new magazine springs and you should be alright. Also, your magazine itself, the box part may need some 'smithing' at the front to enable the nose of the bullet to rise up to proper orientation to the chamber. HTH. Good luck and let us know what happens.