Modern day air rifles need very little in the way of maintainance. The chamber doesn't need to be lubed, and Beeman has stopped selling chamber lube. The modern synthetic seals don't need lube to stay healthy. A drop or two of spring oil is all thats really needed. Over use of any type of lube will lead to excessive dieseling, which may damage the piston seal.
You really don't need to clean the bore often if at all. During the initial break-in period if the gun is dieseling there may be some fouling, and a bit of cleaning may be neccessary, but generally there should be no reason to clean it. If you absolutely have to clean it, run a couple patches through it. Don't use firearms cleaning solvent, it'll ruin the gun. Use something like Simplegreen cleaner. Use a proper airgun cleaning tool, not the wad-tied-onto-a-piece-of-fishingline thing. Cleaning kits are readily available at most Sporting goods stores for a few dollars. The one I use is a 3-piece rod with an assortment of brass tips. Cleaning too much can damage the rifling, especially if its done wrong. Constant cleaning will affect the guns accuracy too, since anytime you clean the gun it may slightly affect the point of impact.