Nova71, I think you should call H&R again and ask if it would be okay just to use the downloadable order form since it's much simpler. Just your personal info, receiver serial# and info for the stuff you're buying. If you read on, you'll see how much easier my experience went even with the changes I made.
I haven't ordered an accessory barrel before until last week so I hope my experience helps you or others wanting to know how my order went.
I called H&R last week to order a 22" 357mag barrel and a hammer spur. The csr took my info down including receiver serial# and the items I wanted to buy then confirmed it was okay for my receiver and she gave me the servicerequest#. I asked about the item prices and total cost to fill it in the downloadable order form from the site, but the lady csr told me it would be better if I just waited for the factory to send an estimate and to just fill in as much info on the order form, cross out the credit card info section and just put "Please send Estimate" because originally I wanted to pay using a moneyorder.
I did just that with regards to the form, packed my receiver/stock/forend and the somewhat incomplete order form and made sure to put in the servicerequest# on the package box and also the order form even if there wasn't a space for it. I put the servicerequest# near my name section.
I called up a 2nd time because I changed my mind and got the 18.75" 357mag (talo) barrel and added the scoperail/hammerspur set instead of just the hammer spur.
A few days after, I called a 3rd time just to confirm that my order was in fact changed to the talo barrel and additional rail/spur set. The estimate was already done, and a copy was on its way to me by snailmail but the csr got me anxious because I asked if my order was for the 18.75" 357mag barrel and the csr said there was only one 357mag barrel, the 22" one. So I just politely ended the call confused and anxious, and had to get help from Brian to reconfirm that my order change had gone thru.(Thanks Brian)
Called a final 4th time and gave my payment info so that work could get started on my rifle. I just didn't want to wait for the estimates thru the mail and send payment back again thru snailmail.
Well, a few more days after that, the estimates from Remington(not H&R envelope for some reason) did get here. It was dated earlier than my phone call payment and it did show the talo barrel but the scoperail/hammerspur set wasn't changed, so I just filed it away but called to make sure a rail/spur set is sent to me instead of just a hammerspur.
Depending on how busy the factory is, my 357 talo might be on its way to me as early this week. Woohoo!!!
I was also stoked today since I did see my available credit go down for about the cost of my H&R purchase. My pardner shotty is gonna turn handi pretty soon I think.