Glad someone posted something. (I thought 'they' were sneaking around to cut us off at the pass!)
When I'm holding well, I can pick the smallbore bullet up around the pig line and track it from there about half the time, sometimes more. Some days are exceptional and I can follow it into the pig but you have to be really 'on' to see the bullet in flight prior to the pig and I'm usually not that stable. (Also there's the matter of more critical scope focus to deal with at the closer ranges.)
We use sloping metal backplates behind all our smallbore banks and they're repainted prior to the match. If you remind yourself to note the backplate impact marks before you shoot, you can usually pick up the impact 'splatter' of a miss after the shot and evaluate it ref the break even if conditions are not such that you can track the round downrange.
I can usually see SB POI on the target from pigs on out and make at least a SWAG about how far the bullet travelled from the breakpoint but, without a decent backplate or berm, I have no idea how you can detect misses when conditions don't allow you to see the bullet in flight.
Chickens go away so fast when hit that I seldom see impact through the scope when shooting. (It's very hard for me to see POI on chickens when spotting, especially when it's windy and the spotting scope's bouncing around.) Fortunately, it takes a REAL condition to make for serious problems on chickens and, when it's blowing that hard, 'shooter' wind is the problem!