I have a Hornady LNL press that I bought a couple of years ago with the intentions to get into reloading. Long story short, I finally got the rest of the stuff I needed to get started. The only issue I'm having is with my powder drop. I'm trying to load 9.5 grains of Blue Dot for some Hornady 180g hollow points (10mm) and I can't get the drop consistent. I'm ranging from 9.2 up to 9.5. Most loads seem to be right in the middle at 9.3g. The best I can tell is that I'm having powder sticking to the inside of the rotor assembly. Is this to be expected? Powder is new, so I'm fairly certain it's not a moisture absorption issue, I've cleaned the powder drop rotor with carb cleaner (maybe brake cleaner - I can't remember off hand), so I'm sure that there isn't any type of oily residue causing the powder to stick. Is there a different cleaner to try that will maye work better? Static electricty issue? I'm not inclined to think so as I'm not having powder stick to the clear plastic resevoir. I guess I can live with the inconsistencies if it's normal as the load data doesn't vary much from 9.2g to the 9.5, but my understanding is that accuracy in rifle rounds especially, can be affected with that much variance. I plan on loading for .308, 6.8SPC and .22-250 soon and would like to at the very least duplicate the accuracy I have with factory loads and ideally, improve upon it. Thanks in advance, all.