DUK. It wasn't insignificant to the murdered Ft Hood soldiers or their friends and families. It wasn't insignificant to all those murdered on 9-11-01 either. As long as there is apathy the threat is very real. POWDERMAN.
Right. It is significant to the families of the 150 or so people who are killed each year by peanut allergies. But it is, STATISTICALLY INSIGNIFICANT (the words I actually used, again, please don't tell others what they are saying, the words are right there for you see) to the rest of us. We are many hundred times more likely to be killed in a car accident or by any number of other things. It is simply a fact.
The point that Matt, myself, and others have attempted to explain to you is that the chances of being killed by a terrorist is extremely low, particularly when compared to the amount of worry you love to generate on the topic. It is not, nor has it ever been, that the few terrorist attacks on American civilians are a
good thing or that we should not be saddened or mourn their loss. Nor is anyone saying the chance of being killed by an islamic terrorist is perfectly 0%. Literally no one here has ever said that. But these attacks and fatalities should be viewed in the context of their statistical significance. If you don't like what those numbers say, you should think about why...