Author Topic: The best grip / design?  (Read 1219 times)

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The best grip / design?
« on: May 25, 2012, 06:31:33 AM »
Wondering what is the best grip or grip design for an encore pistol, 44 mag? Or, which to steer clear of? Seems to be a few options out there.

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 08:22:32 AM »
Just my opinion but I've been shooting the TCs ever since they've made the Contenders and the Encore . TC never could make a grip, changing it many times over the yrs. never getting it close to right. Pachmayr made a better one the 1st time and the 2nd time they made the "Gripper" which has been the best anyone has made so far.  It handles the heaviest recoil better than anything I've ever tried and feels good and looks good.

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 05:55:55 AM »
 I was wondering why there were so many different looking TC-made grips.
I'll look into the Pachmayr Gripper.

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2012, 07:00:08 AM »
No single grip will fit everybody the same. People have different size hands. The best grip is the one that fits you. I will agree that the first grip that T/C came out with on the Contender would allow a 44 mag to RIP YOUR HAND OFF. I personally like the regular Pachmayr grip. It fits me best.

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 05:37:59 AM »
Well, I've never shot an encore or contender with that in mind, what percentage of  the 44 mag recoil will be barrel "up" and what percent will be "back" into the palm of the hand?
There are lots of different butt designs from the custom grip makers........some rounded, some small diameter, some squared off, some taper in at the bottom and some flare out, getting thicker. Is there a grip design that *tames* the 44 mag recoil?
Seems nobody likes the old TC wood grip, what is it about the design that is not liked?

Offline okie44

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 02:43:26 PM »
Just my opinion but I've been shooting the TCs ever since they've made the Contenders and the Encore . TC never could make a grip, changing it many times over the yrs. never getting it close to right. Pachmayr made a better one the 1st time and the 2nd time they made the "Gripper" which has been the best anyone has made so far.  It handles the heaviest recoil better than anything I've ever tried and feels good and looks good. Right on the money, I also think they shoot better with the matching forend with the hanger bar.

Offline Ladobe

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 01:20:38 PM »
 I was wondering why there were so many different looking TC-made grips.
I'll look into the Pachmayr Gripper.

Marketing to instill new sales is the main reason why TC changed their grips so many times, not poor design.   Yeah the first grip could be unpleasant with the magnums when they offered them, but keep in mind that when it was designed and first offered the Contender was only to come in 22RF, 22WRM, 22 Jet, 22 Hornet and 38 SPL.  Most of the later designs were very serviceable, especially considering they were generic "one size fits all" grips.   My favorite of all of them was the Herrett style.   So starting with that first design I've had them all for the Contender's over the year since soon after TC came out with it (none for G2's), but I've only had the first issue TC factory Encore grips.   That first Encore grip did leave some to be desired with "Torque Monster" cartridges (remembering full house loads in my short 454 Casull and short 416 Rigby here).   With very strong hands and technique I could handle them just fine, but I went to custom made for the Encores soon after getting them when a buddy who had been shooting handcannions for years cut his knuckles with the Casull (through his shooting glove no less).   So while most TC factory grips do work just fine for a pop gun (44MAG), and easily the Pachy's, the best grip for either the Contender or the Encore are custom grips made to fit your hand, period.   They are not that expensive from some of the makers, especially in standard grades, and well worth the investment.   If you buy a grip set that fits you, you will have a grip that will last you the rest of your life no matter what cartridges you start shooting.   
My best custom grips (and stocks) were made for me by Bullberry in exhibition grade, but I had others from other makers as well in lessor grades that were excellent in use.   I've never been a fan of color laminated woods, I prefer wood but real wood, so that excluded a couple of excellent grip makers I certainly would have bought from otherwise.   For custom grips you might drop a PM to David D. here on GBO, or contact Fred at Bullberry or Denzel Roberts who all make fine sets.   Not sure if he is still at it, but Georgia Jim is another.   Unfortunately Justin Sip is out of the business. 
As for the Pachy's, I never had them for the Encores because I got back out of the Encores by the time they came out for them.   But for the Contender's (not G2's) I bought a bunch of the Presentation model Pachy's when they first came out, and hated them, especially for all my wildcats handcannons.   When the gripper models came out I eventually ended up owning around 2 dozen sets of them despite their being a bit small for large hands, and loved them even for my hardest recoiling Contender handcannons when they were not wearing the custom grips. 
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Offline Spokerider

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Re: The best grip / design?
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 05:55:11 PM »
Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and type it all out. It's good information to know, and will certainly help me to choose a grip for my encore  ;) .