in agrement with king and matt,i ponderd the same question, what is the craz, just before christmas the wife and i made a pligrimage to basspro shop in atlanta and spoted a whole pallet with cva's in lines was courious because of the 69.95 dollar price tag, and the rifle was real cheap and clunky fealing and heavy, i tyought this thing weighs more than my coustom hawkin rifle with a 11/2 inch target barrel,after looking at it i gently plased it down and said it will intersest some one else but not me maybee i'm spoiled on my long rilfes and carbins and military muskets ,but ,i would have bought one if it went so cheap looking, instead bought a 209x .50 instead, for my encore i do have some plans for it, besides if i decide to sell the barrel i then can get my money back out of it
that would not happen with the cva.