Received the following e-mail a few days ago about the Casper, Wyoming shoot. It is being held on Father's Day weekend this year June 15-17, 2012.
June 1, 2012
Dear Cannoneers,
We received a registration from:
The Omaha, Nebraska rifled gun
A couple smooth bores from Northern Colorado
and a mortar and smooth bore from Nebraska.
This brings the registered total to 5 smooth bores
4 rifles and
1 mortar
I know of two more mortars, one smooth bore, and one more rifle yet to register. Looks like we will have 13 or 14 guns.
Still need a range officer and an announcer. We have some youngsters that want to sell drinks and hotdogs, and are still working out those details. We will probably forgo the color guard.
Dan McClenahan GOW/George