Actual Recoil is a factor of the weight of the gun and bullet specs. Assuming the same ammunition, you'd have to factor in the following:
Ruger SBH .44 w/7.5" Barrel, 3lbs. 1oz.
Ruger SBH .44 w/10.5" Barrel, 3lbs. 7oz.
TC G2 .44 w/12" Barrel, 3lbs. 8oz.
TC Encore .44 w/10" Barrel, 4lbs.
Taurus RB .454 w/6.5" Barrel, 3lbs. 5oz.
Taurus RB .454 w/8.4" Barrel, 3lbs. 14.5oz.
TC Encore .454 w/10" Barrel, 4lbs.
Heavier gun typically translates into reduced actual recoil, so actual recoil would be less on a G2 or Encore when compared to the SBH or RB.
Felt recoil is another matter. I shoot an SBH .44 w/7.5" Barrel and Bisley frame for the IHMSA Big Bore; 40 rounds. Wood grips did okay last time, but Hogues would be nicer. Some folks couldn't make it through 40 rounds of .44; that's entirely up to you.
It depends on what your going to hunt, and how far out you feel comfortable taking a shot. I think an Encore with a 10" .44 would be an ideal set up for Deer sized game and smaller, out to 100yds. 45/70 would also be good to the same range, for Jeep sized game and smaller, but in anything without a buttstock would detract from the moment for me. :grin: