Leave it to the NYS Bowhunters Assoc. to complain. Bowhunters in general enjoy the longest season with the ability to hunt during the entire rut and as well as throughout the entire firearm season if they so desire. Most bowhunters that I have talked to do not belong the the NYSBA and could care less about allowing crossbows or youth hunting seasons as long as NYS promotes hunting. It is the ASSOCIATION with its narrowminded opinions and greed to have it their way that makes it difficult for the elderly and youths to use a crossbow during archery season or the early youth season that infringes on "their" season. Unfortunately, the ASSOC. has the money, lawyers and a narrowminded group that somehow always gets what they want from the DEC. Another example of the tail wagging the dog. I hope that NYS increases the youth season and quickly allows crossbows during the entire archery season while I am still able to hunt. With numerous health issues, I can no longer use a bow but would love to once again hunt the length of the archery season with a crossbow and would never deny the youth the opportunity to have an extended season of their own during archery season. We need these "kids" to learn all they can about hunting that includes both archery and firearms.