I am in the process of making my own big loop levers, & believe there isn`t anything to it. Take the lever off the rifle, lay it on a piece of paper & trace it. Now draw out the loop you would like, using the original material from your loop. You will have to cut the loop where the bottom portion of the loop connectes the the trigger guard. I did this with my Dremel tool. I made a wooden pattern of the inside portion of my drawing. Now put the lever in a vice, heat it to cherry red at the back end of the lever, & bend the portion you cut from the trigger guard back past 90 degrees. With it clamped in the vice keep heating it & bending it around the wooden pattern. After you do this you must weld a piece of stock to the so it will reach the trigger guard, & weld it to the trigger guard. After this is done you sit down & start to file & file & file. Onc it is shaped, polish it & reblue It gives you a GREAT feeling To have a customized lever you did yourself. :wink: 444