I was just showing my kids by my spreadsheet how savings can add up over time. Now, two people working minimum wage which is around $16 an hour together CAN make a living. Sure, they would have to live in a small apartment or in a mobile home, but it can be done. With dicipline, they can save. Dicipline isn't taught anymore in America. The average Japanese saves 25% of their income as they don't have social security therefore save for retirement. Dicipline may take eating a lot of beans and rice. It may take forfeiting vacations. It may take having a backyard vegetable garden, or vegetables in containers. It may take no pets. It may take no cell phones, no television. It can be done. I worked at double minimum wage and my wife didn't work for several years. My income gradually increased to more than minimum wage. We had a huge backyard garden, I hunted and fished, drove used car and truck, did without cable TV and this was before cell phones. Remember the Jimmy Carter years. We did fine. Had plenty of good food. Never on welfare or food stamps. Even had a little to take cheap vacations. I was also able to pay my way through college going part time. When not in school, I drew house plans for extra income. Wife stayed home raising small children.
All I am saying, with hard work and dicipline a couple making minimum wage can make it. They just have to give up some things and live frugaly. They might not be able to do it in the big cities, but in a small town or rural area, a couple can make it by supplementing their megar income by hunting, fishing, gardening, bartering work, and doing odd jobs on the side. Too many people living off the dole, when they can actually acquire wealth over time with dicipline. During my early days, I was able to acquire tools, guns, stainless steel cookware, cast iron cookware, furniture, etc that in some cases I still have, just by working hard and SAVING for them.