I'm workin on bein 63 years old. I've had it for several years. Sometimes I forget to get a huntin license until winter is almost over. I used to listen to guys that talked about gettin buck fever, or gettin excited about a big deer and missin. I never did that. Killin a deer was a simple matter of just killin the deer. I've called in coyotes and never fired a shot, but then, I've been callin coyotes since 1970, so I guess that explains that.
I only have two rifles now, and two shotguns. I sold'em all, cause I just got tired of'em. I'll never sell my Model 94 Winchester, but I've been thinkin about the other rifle, and I've been thinkin abou the other shotgun too.
I still like deer meat, and prefer it over beef, but I ain't payin the prices down here in my part of Texas to hunt a 150lb deer. Hogs have been here all my life, and the farmers here hate'em, and want'em killed, but they whine, and criticize the hunters for not bein any good at it. My attitude about the "spoiled rich farmers" here, says: I hope the damn things carry you off.
I'm at a point where I like a good soundin guitar, have fell back in love with motorcycles, and have the 3 or 4 "certain guns" that I've always loved, and don't care much about the rest. I think my past profession may have a lot to do with it, but huntin just to kill was never why I hunted. Fishin is startin to look better in my old age though.