I got mine last weekend. Picked it up from my favorite gun dealer while he was at a gun show. I also found a deal on an old El Paso T-10 so that came home with me too. I mounted up the scope (their factory mounts are lame. I'm gonna make a decent one soon.) and tried it out at the range. Off the bench it kept most shots touching at 50 yards, and could hit a golf ball sized target most of the time at 100. Trigger is terrible, but I can fix that.
Today I shot it in a match (see the post about taco style revolver shooting for the other gun) and finished with a 30. Funny thing was it was also a pistol caliber lever gun match and I got the highest score of anybody. Woo-hoo, this thing really shoots! It's reasonably comfortable to hold, super simple to operate, and once I get the trigger done it's going to be really sweet.
So, if anybody wants a nice simple .22 pistol check these out. They really do work and look like they'll hold up reasonably well. (ask me about that in a few years...)