A parkerized finish is very porous and needs a good dose of oil to seep into the pores to protect the metal. I'm experimenting right now with Bioshield T-9 on my refinished Remington 870 that I carry on duty. After letting a good coat of oil soak in I coated the gun with T-9. It's been about 8 months now and no sign of rust. This is a gun that lives in a patrol car, gets deployed in the rain and waits till the end of shift for a wipe down and gets handled by sweaty hands.
Bioshield T-9 is sold to prevent rust on table saws, drill presses etc.. After application the solvents evaporate off leaving a waxy residue to seal the metal and protect from rust. I believe that the residue will effectively seal the pores on parkerizing, trapping the oil in and keeping water and sweat out. So far it's looking good but I won't be confident until a couple more years pass.