I don't think there is an ounce of difference between the 308 and 30-06 at 200 yards. I have a 308 Encore. Before I got into the 308, I did extensive research on several calibers including the 30-06, 7mm 08 and the 308, as well as many others. I was really looking for the 7mm-08, but a trade came up and I went with the 308. I am very pleased with the 308.
All of this data is contained in an Excel Spreadsheet. If your have either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Works, send me an email and with which you have. I will send you a copy of the spreadsheet.
It includes anticipated velocities, 200 yard energy and foot pounds of recoil by the firearm You might be surprised as some of the findings.
The data was obtained by using Neco Quickload and Sierra Infinity computer software. Let it be known that every load that I have developed in QuickLoad actually chronographs within 20 fps of the Quickload calculated velocity.
Just a note: I am right now suffering with the left index finger that the 308 Encore bite yesterday. It is all blue and very tender. I have read many times about Graybearders talking about the bite. Now I know to keep my non shooting hands away from the horn on the trigger guard.
Harold Clark