A good summer for a garden here in Northern Idaho. We are eating tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, beans, new potatoes, jalapenos, carrots, and beets. Just picked my first yellow crook-necked squash yesterday, but have dozens of smaller ones on the plants. I have tons of green tomatoes and they get ripe a handful at a time, just right. The corn will be ready by mid September, and we'll dig the mature potatoes in early October. We harvested all of our garlic in mid July and I'm preparing the soil for planting more in mid October. The asparagus was good and tasty in the early summer and has now produced large ferns to build the roots for next year. I expected the onions to be ready by now, but the stems haven't fallen over yet and they are still getting bigger.
I hope everyone out there enjoys having a garden as much as I do. The produce is worth all the work.
Eat hardy!