my wife and i have a agreement 1 gun for every year were married, we celebrated our 30th anniversary, of course I am a handi holic here is my current inventory, 45/70, 30-06,308,243,223,204
58 huntsman, 12 ga and 20 ga
others that are not handis. Savage 110LH 7mm, mag,Savage 22mag LH,
Savage 94 22lr, Ruger 10-22, Ruger mini 14, CVA optima, CVA mountain rifle, fox river 50, Mossberg 500, Mossberg 835,Mossberg bolt action 20, Mossberg Bolt Action 16 ga,Savage 22/410, SMLE MK 1 no 3, SMLE MK III no 1, Ruger 45LC, Ruger security six, S&W 22A, Ruger SR9, hi-point 45acp
i know that's 30 but she does not count the 22/410 as it was inherited
any suggestions?
by the way gun show here sept