I was born and raised in Illinois, spent 33 years there. Obama is a Chicago Democrat, nothing else need be said.
Do I have to describe all the twists and turns of a Timber rattler? Of course not, I say Rattlesnake and you know enough to stay clear, You might watch out of curiosity but you won't try to cuddle up with the thing. You know why? Cause a Rattlesnake is gonna strike you he can't help himself it's what snakes do. Obama is no different, not in the least. He's going to spend money and raise taxes it's what they do. A Chicago Democrat will lie cheat and steal to stay in power, they can't help themselves.
The man stinks, he swam in that political sewer, the smell can't be washed away. I recognized it over six years ago at the Dem convention. The smell was fresh then and to those who have smelled it at the source, it is repugnant.