On page 104 (Sept 2012), Chris Cox writes an article entitled..Who will check the "fact checkers"?
Interestingly, he takes on the subject many of us have had our suspicions about for some time now. He states clear cases where the various "fact checker" groups have played their own fact-twisting games, concening gun rights and the NRA. The article. Particularly telling, is the following paragraph from the article:
" The NRA hasn't been the only victim of"fact checking". Analysts from the University of Minnesota's Humphre.y School of Public Affairs found that statements by Republican office holders were three times more likely to be rated "false" than statements by their Democratic counterparts. At the same time, the communications director of the Democratics Governor's Association said "a lot of the fact checkers today play the ultimate political game of twisting the truth to suit their own ends".
It seems that many of the "fact checkers" are people who have worked in the biased media for years...and just bring their bias baggage over with them.
The article should be in American Rifleman also, but I happen to get the Hunter