Republican Party. the party of 'change and the future'.
Yeah, right.
These so-called elections are simply a shell game. 4 years ago the libs were duped by 'hope and change'. Now we are supposed to be fooled by 'change and the future'.
You know, if Romney and Obama did not have different skin colors how would you tell them apart?
The famous '40 reasons' why they are the same candidate....
1. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
both supported the renewal of the Patriot Act.
2. Barack Obama has not closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised to do, and Mitt Romney actually wants
to double the number of prisoners held there
3. Mitt Romney says that Barack Obama’s bailout of the auto industry
was actually his idea.
4. They both accuse each other of shipping jobs out of the country and both of them are right.
5. They both believe in big government and they both have a
track record of being
big spenders while in office.
6. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both fully support the Federal Reserve.
7. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
are both on record as saying that the president should not question the “independence” of the Federal Reserve.
8. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both said that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke
did a good job during the last financial crisis.
9. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
both felt that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke deserved to be renominated to a second term.
10. Both candidates
oppose a full audit of the Federal Reserve.
11. Both candidates
are on record as saying that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has done a good job.
12. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both been big promoters
of universal health care.
13. Mitt Romney was the one who developed the plan
that Obamacare was later based upon.
14. Wall Street
absolutely showers both candidates with campaign contributions.
15. Neither candidate wants to eliminate the income tax or the IRS.
16. Both candidates want to keep personal income tax rates
at the exact same levels for the vast majority of Americans.
17. Both candidates are “open” to the idea of imposing
a Value Added Tax on the American people.
18. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the TSA is doing a great job.
19. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
both supported the NDAA.
20. Both are heavily influenced by Corporate lobbyists, not by the American People.
21. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the federal government should be able to indefinitely detain American citizens that are considered to be terrorists.
22. Both candidates believe that American citizens suspected of being terrorists can be killed by the president
without a trial.
23. .Mitt Romney
supported Barack Obama’s “economic stimulus” packages. Both Support TARP.
24. Both candidates
support the practice of “extraordinary rendition”.
25. They
both support the job-killing “free trade” agenda of the global elite.
26. Neither candidate supports immediately
balancing the federal budget.
27. Both candidates are
extremely soft on illegal immigration.
28. Neither candidate has any military experience. This is the first time that this has happened in a U.S. election
since 1944.
29. Both candidates earned a degree
from Harvard University.
30. They
both believe in the theory of man-made global warming.
31. Mitt Romney has said that he will support a “cap and trade” carbon tax scheme (like the one Barack Obama wants) as long
as the entire globe goes along with it.
32. Both candidates have a very long record of supporting
strict gun control measures.
33. Both candidates have been pro-abortion most of their careers. Mitt Romney’s “conversion” to the pro-life cause has been questioned by many. In fact, Mitt Romney
has made millions on Bain Capital’s investment in a company called “Stericycle” that incinerated aborted babies collected from family planning clinics.
34. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
both believe that the Boy Scout ban on openly gay troop leaders is wrong.
35. They both believe that a “two state solution” will bring lasting peace between the Palestinians and Israel.
36. Both candidates have a history of nominating
extremely liberal judges.
37. Like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney also plans to add “
signing statements” to bills when he signs them into law.
38. They both have a horrible record
when it comes to job creation.
39. Both candidates believe that the president has the power to take the country to war
without getting the approval of the U.S. Congress.
40. Both candidates plan to continue running up more government debt even though the U.S. government is already
16 trillion dollars in debt.